The invention discloses a ceramic riser neck and sand type structure for reducing the defect of the high nickel nodular iron reaction layer. It includes the sand mold under the tide mould, the sand mold on the tide mould, the mold cavity in the interface of the upper and lower sand mold of the tidal mold and the shell assembly set in the mold cavity. It also includes one end set at the upper and lower sand mold surface of the tide mold. The casting module is connected with the mold cavity and the cladding cavity, and the other end extends the sand mold on the tidal mold. The shell components include the shell shell, the shell sand core and the insulating riser. On the one hand, a large number of turbulent oxidizing gases are produced by the pouring of tidal mold sand, coated sand wrapped shell and shell shell, clad shell sand core and insulating riser. It is convenient to discharge from second exhaust rods to reduce the probability of Mg reaction in gas and iron liquid. On the other hand, the ceramic riser neck is set at the bottom of the insulating riser, blocking the turbulence oxygen. The influence of chemical gas on the nodular casting of the riser neck can effectively reduce the occurrence of defects in the reaction layer of the high nickel ductile iron riser neck.
包壳铸造是将含有铸件结构的外壳壳型、内腔砂芯及保温冒口的组件(囊芯)放置于潮模砂造型的型腔中,其主要浇注系统及排气系统部分等由潮模砂造型形成,潮模上下砂型合箱浇注而获得高精密、高质量铸件的较为先进的工艺方法。包壳铸造其实也是壳型铸造的一种形式。包壳铸造将壳型铸造和潮模砂铸造有机的结合在一起,适应于批量化自动化造型线生产,目前国内外铸造行业应用比较广泛,一般多应用于铸件结构复杂,质量要求高的中小型液压件、涡轮增压器零部件等。包壳铸造发挥了壳型精密铸造复杂及高质量铸件的特点,克服了壳型铸造壳型厚大,覆膜砂用量大,生产成本较高的劣势;发挥了潮模砂铸造生产成本低、批量化自动化造型生产效率高的特点,克服了潮模砂铸造铸件表面及内在质量难以达到客户高质量要求的劣势,将二者很好的结合起来,是一种经济可靠的效率高的铸造工艺方法。高镍奥氏体球墨铸铁的所有国家标准中对残留镁量都不作规定,霍尼韦尔等少数企标中规定Mg残≤0.09%,球化级别1-2级。常规球墨铸铁残留镁量为0.03%~0.04%,而高镍奥氏体球墨铸铁需要的残留镁量高,残留镁量越高,缩孔、缩松倾向越大。因此,在保证球化要求的前提下控制残留镁量,一般高镍球铁的最佳残留镁量为0.06%~0.09%,但铸件表层片状石墨始终困扰我们,残留镁量低时,会在铸件表层和基体内部出现片状石墨。采用包壳铸造或壳型铸造生产高镍球铁铸件,如涡轮壳等,铸件表面会产生片状石墨(俗称反应层缺陷),特别 ...