The invention discloses a pavement roughness detection device based on modular design, which is characterized by a shell, four motor drive modules, two wireless transmission modules, a wireless remote control module, a three axis acceleration sensor, a processor, a power supply and a control circuit, two switches, and two USB interfaces. . In the process of pavement roughness detection, the invention can detect the change of the angle of the car body and the horizontal direction in real time, collect and deal with the angle value at all times, and calculate the roughness of the pavement according to the speed of the equipment. Compared with the traditional measurement method, the equipment has the advantages of high efficiency, accuracy, saving manpower cost, and easy to carry and transport. At the same time, the operation and stop of the equipment can be controlled remotely, and the measurement results are sent to other equipment, and it is convenient to use in the construction and detection at any time. At the same time, the modularized performance can be adjusted in real time according to the width of the highway pavement to meet the needs of the different pavement width.
路面平整度是衡量道路使用性能的重要指标,关系到行车的安全性、舒适度以及路面所受冲击力的大小及其使用寿命:不平整的路面会增大行车阻力,并使车辆产生附加的振动作用。平整度直接反映了车辆行驶的舒适度、安全性和道路的使用期限。路面平整度的检测可为决策者提供重要的信息,同时可准确提供路面施工质量的信息,为路面施工提供一个质量评定的客观指标。路面平整度主要反映的是路面纵断面剖面曲线的平整性,当路面纵断面剖面曲线相对平滑时,则表示路面相对平整,或平整度相对好,反之则表示平整度相对差。随着市场经济的快速发展,对高速公路建设的要求也越来越高。但是,伴随着高速公路的发展,也出现了很多问题。交通部规定,高速公路和一级公路正常使用年限为20年,但是近几年高速公路的质量问题却日益凸显,多地出现高速公路投入运营五六年就发生严重损坏的现象,远远没有达到交通部规定的使用年限。如何有效且快速地检测路面平整度成为我国当前高速公路质量评估的急需解决的难题。目前,国内普遍采用的是3米直尺和精密水准仪。这些检测方法均需人工操作,工作过程中测量人员的主观随意性大,误差大且工作效率较低,已不能满足高质量高速公路的需求。此外,这些方法对整体量测缺乏统一的基准,不具有连续性。而现有其他智能测量设备,例如连续式平整度仪、车载式颠簸累计仪等价格昂贵,而且重量较大难以携带,为道路施工带来了诸多不便。为了克服上述现有产品的缺陷,提供一种高便捷、低价位、易运输,可利用其模块化性能实时调整路面检测宽 ...