The utility model provides a mixed mixing paddle and a stirring device for a UV sticky adhesive, which involves a technical field of mixing, including a mixing shaft, a first stirring part, a second mixing part and a third mixing part, which is set at the lower end of the stirring shaft, and the second mixing part is arranged in the middle of the mixing shaft. The three mixing section is arranged on the upper part of the stirring shaft. The first mixing part of the UV mucilagglutinant mixed agitator provided by the utility model has the effect of mixing and dispersing the bottom to the bottom, and the second mixing part can be divided into two circulating systems inside the container, and a large mixture is formed in the middle part, so that the UV glue and the additives are fully stirred and evenly stirred; The three mixing unit can play the role of mixing surface material, make the surface and internal stirring of the agitator evenly, improve the mixing efficiency and make the agitation more uniform, so that the UV film has the same loss of adhesive effect at each point on the film after the loss of adhesion.
无影胶(UV胶)又称光敏胶、紫外光固化胶,UV胶水,是在特殊配方的树脂中加入光引发剂(或光敏剂),经过吸收紫外线(UV)光固化设备中的高强度紫外线光后,产生活性自由基或离子基,从而引发聚合、交联和接枝反应,使树脂(UV涂料、油墨、粘合剂等)在数秒内(不等),有液体转化为固态,(此变化过程称之为“UV固化”)。这种需要吸收紫外线才能完全固化的树脂就称为UV胶。它可以作为粘接剂使用,也可作为油漆、涂料、油墨等的胶料使用。无影胶(UV胶)不仅粘接强度高,透明度高,不黄变,不发白,耐候性好,而且粘度适中,对塑料与金属粘接有较高的强度,针对于金属与PMMA、PC、ABS、PVC、PS、SAN等各种塑料粘接、补强、加固有着良好的应用效果,广泛应用于微电子、光学、光通信、光电、医疗、航空航天、军工以及当下极其火爆的虚拟现实等行业。UV是英文UltravioletRays的缩写,即紫外光线。紫外线(UV)是肉眼看不见的,是可见光以外的一段电磁辐射,波长在10-400nm的范围。无影胶固化原理是UV固化材料中的光引发剂(或光敏剂)在紫外线的照射下吸收紫外光后产生活性自由基或阳离子,引发单体聚合、交联化学反应,使粘合剂在数秒钟内由液态转化为固态。随着UV胶水技术的不断提高,生产工艺也随之发生变化,助剂需在高温下快速分散搅拌到UV胶水里去。但由过去的搅拌桨比较单一,在搅拌高固含量、高粘度的UV胶水时不易快速分散混合,导致长时间不能搅拌均匀、降低了搅拌效率同时 ...