The invention provides a mulberry juice concentrate. The preparation process is to clean the mulberry branches, mulberry roots and mulberry leaves after screening, and then take proper amount of pure water into the extraction pot and raise the water temperature to 85 90 degrees C, and then combine the cleaned mulberry leaves 80, 90, 8 mulberry branches and 5 mulberry roots and 3 5 portions of mulberry root to be extracted in the extraction pot. The extraction solution was obtained, and the extracted liquid was cooled to 50 70 degrees C, and then the extracted liquid was filtered in the filter tank and filtrate was obtained. Then the filtrate was condensed at the temperature of 60 and 70 C to cool to the room temperature, and the mulberry juice concentrate was obtained. The mulberry concentrate is rich in protein, fat, vitamin and calcium, iron, zinc and other nutrients. The protein content is 1.8g/100g, the fat content is 0.3g/100g, the vitamin C content reaches 464mg/100g, the vitamin B content reaches 0.103mg/100g, the calcium content reaches 369.11mg/100g, the iron content reaches 5.66mg/100g The content of zinc reached 21mg/Kg, the total flavonoid content was 340mg/100g, and the content of crude polysaccharide was 4.46mg/g.
桑树属桑科桑属,自古以来就属于药食同源植物,据历代《本草》记载,桑树入药可治多种疾病。研究表明,桑树内含有丰富的蛋白质、黄酮类、多糖类、生物碱类等生物活性物质,具有促进造血细胞生长、护肝等多种作用。因此,桑树具有广阔的开发前景。CN1069508C公开了一种以桑树为主要原料的保健饮料,它是由桑叶、桑枝、桑根、桑椹、蜂蜜、薄荷、大枣、山楂、苹果、苯甲酸钠、水加工制作而成,该饮料具有补虚益气、化痰止渴,开胃下食,镇魂安神的健康保健功能。除此之外,CN103159807B公开了一种桑枝提取物及其制备方法,其主要工艺步骤如下:选取桑枝原料,采用水或乙醇-水混合溶媒进行提取,提取液采用大孔树脂进行精制,乙醇-水混合溶媒进行梯度洗脱,高温浓缩,干燥,分别获得相应桑皮苷A精制提取物、桑皮黄素精制提取物;所得精制提取物再采用加压柱色谱,以以碳十八改性硅胶为填料,适宜甲醇-水为流动相进行分离,分别收集含有桑皮苷A、桑皮黄素的流份,高温浓缩,干燥,分别获得纯度大于80%的桑皮苷A成品、桑皮黄素成品。该提取物纯度高,抗氧化活性好,可应用于相关食品和药品领域。尽管前述以桑树为主要原料的保健饮料和桑枝提取物具有一定的食用和药用价值,但其仅仅是锁定桑树中的一种或少数几种特定物质进行萃取,使得桑树的食疗价值仍然未得到充分利用。因此,专利技术人基于在利用桑树饲养草食动物20年的基础上,并结合免疫系统营养学以及植物界长寿树种内含的长寿营养物质的共性和差异性,对桑树作了进一步开发利 ...