The utility model provides a special high efficiency bag filter for carbon black, which includes a bag filter box body, a bag filter box entrance, a gas collecting box and a filter bag. The left surface of the bag filter box is provided with a bag filter box entrance, a filter bag is arranged inside the main body of the bag filter box, the top of the filter bag is connected with a reverse blow pipe, and the top of the bag filter box is set at the top of the bag. The gas tank, the gas collecting box is connected with the exhaust fan through the collector pipe, then the tail gas pipe is connected, the exhaust pipe is set with the tail gas regulating valve, the exhaust pipe is connected with the back blow back pipe on the right side, and the right end of the back blow reflux pipe runs through the main body of the bag filter box until it is connected with the back blow tube. The new practical use has the following beneficial effects: On the basis of the minimum area of the filter bag, the automatic blowing control valve is used to clean the adjacent 3 rows of filter bags at the same time, to force the ash cleaning to ensure the dust cleaning effect, to increase the length of the filter bag to the maximum, to reduce the occupancy of the floor area and to reduce the number of box box box.
袋式除尘器是一种干式滤尘装置。它适用于捕集细小、干燥、非纤维性粉尘。利用纤维织物的过滤作用对含尘气体进行过滤,当含尘气体进入袋式除尘器后,颗粒大、比重大的粉尘,由于重力的作用沉降下来,落入灰斗,含有较细小粉尘的气体在通过滤料时,粉尘被阻留,使气体得到净化。袋式除尘器结构主要由上部箱体、中部箱体、下部箱体(灰斗)、清灰系统和排灰机构等部分组成。其分类:按滤袋的形状分为:扁形袋(梯形及平板形)和圆形袋(圆筒形)。按进出风方式分为:下进风上出风及上进风下出风和直流式(只限于板状扁袋)。按袋的过滤方式分为:外滤式及内滤式。炭黑行业专用的袋式除尘器一般按清灰方式分为脉冲式及反吹风式。袋式除尘器对于炭黑烟气的高温、高湿、高浓度以及微细性粉尘、吸湿性粉尘、磨啄性粉尘、易燃易爆性粉尘特点都有很强的适应性,随着技术进步在加强清灰、提高效率、降低消耗、减少故障、方便维修方面袋式除尘器技术都达到了更高的水平。现炭黑行业应用的袋式除尘器广泛使用圆筒形骨架,采用下进气或侧进气,脉冲或反吹风方式。当前袋式除尘器在炭黑生产应用过程中主要体现以下问题:因炭黑粉尘较细,一般采用玻纤维针刺毡或覆膜滤袋,过滤精度要求低于10mg,过滤速度一般在0.3-0.7m/min(最大不超过1m/min)。而炭黑生产近年趋于大型化、生产能力不断增强,4万吨级以上的炭黑生产需要较大的过滤面积。滤袋骨架规格常采用直径200mm及130mm的圆形袋滤箱。占地面 ...