The invention discloses a suspension fluid deburring polishing machine, which includes a steel frame, a worktable, a suspension table, a cleaning table, a man-machine interface, a grinding device, a cleaning device, an ultrasonic station, a pressure cleaning position, a grinding position, a cleaning position, a steel frame with a flat rectangular body with a bottom plate, and the front part of the steel frame. A worktable is provided with a grinding station A, a grinding station B and a cleaning station. A cleaning table is provided on the left side of the steel frame. The cleaning table is equipped with an ultrasonic station and a air pressure cleaning position. The rear part of the steel frame is equipped with a suspension table, and the suspension table is equipped with two pairs of double double dynamic working cylinders, and the suspension table and the suspension table are arranged on the table and the suspension table is provided with the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table and the suspension table There are two sets of grinding devices arranged in parallel between the worktable, and the rear part of the cleaning station is equipped with a cleaning device. The invention completely solves the problem of continuous uninterrupted and self circulating spray suspension grinding needed by the deburring, and has no suspension material in the suspension grinding type cavity; it reduces the cost, the machining precision is high, and the polishing efficiency is improved.
精密模具复杂型腔的沟槽、异形曲面以及清角部位的精整加工,仍然是以手工研磨抛光为主,不能同时进行强化处理,导致加工能力差、生产效率低下、生产成本高,难以保证加工质量。液流悬浮超精密加工技术是通过圆柱体抛光头在加工液中的高速旋转,借助流体动压力,将加工液中的游离磨粒源源不断地射向工件表面,此时通过游离磨粒的滑动、滚动和冲击作用切除极薄的材料层,降低表面粗糙度,获得比传统加工方法更高的加工精度和表面质量。现有技术中,圆柱体抛光头与工件的间隙保持恒定的微米级是实现纳米抛光的基本条件,因此抛光工具配模方法的选择显得尤为重要;传统的配模利用模具型腔浇灌成型,制作出装配在连接电机头的加工杆上的圆柱体抛光头,其存在以下缺点:1.配模后圆柱体抛光头的圆柱度精度低,径向圆跳动大,圆柱体抛光头与工件的间隙根本无法达到微米级,使加工中的圆柱体抛光头与工件接触;2.圆柱体抛光头的中心孔在配模过程中无法保证与传动轴平行,使得圆柱体抛光头在高速旋转过程中与传动轴呈微小角度,影响抛光的均匀性;3.圆柱体抛光头表面的粗糙度取决于传统配模过程中模具的内表面的粗糙度,而圆柱体抛光头外表面的粗糙度对抛光液中液体动压力有一定影响,这也最终导致加工时间过长,加工质量下降,成本上升;传统悬浮液体抛光去毛刺机的结构单一,功能和实用性能差,去毛刺工作一个循环后,需要停顿进入下一个工作循环,再重新喷射磨液;等待周期长,同时无法满足工件去毛刺后的内腔残留和清洗问题,导致解决一种工艺(去毛刺)问题的同时, ...