The utility model discloses an ice compress mask, which includes an eye opening on the membrane body, the inner side of the membrane body and the temporal area and the frontal area of the human face, and the medium entrance is arranged on the membrane body, and the closed cover is detachably connected to the medium entrance, and the inner side of the membrane body is relative to the temporal area, the orbit area and the mouth part. The position of the film is provided with a protruding position and a pocket inside and outside of the membrane body, and a temperature sensitive strip is arranged in the pocket. The ice compress mask of the utility model not only has better ice compress effect and can be reused repeatedly, but also facilitates the doctor's flexible proportioning according to the difference of the patient's condition, and is also beneficial to the treatment for the treatment after the operation. The position of massage greatly shortens the time for the patients to return to society, reduces the labor intensity of the patients and nurses, and facilitates the visual observation of the temperature range of the membrane body by the doctors and nurses and the patients, and avoids the ice application temperature which is too low for the health care workers or patients and satisfies the needs of the use.
随着经济发展,人民生活水平的提高,医学美容已经走入寻常百姓家。越来越多的老百姓希望通过医学美容手段提升自我形象。据统计,截止2015年年底,我国医学美容净产值达510.2亿元;水光针注射是目前流行的医学美容方式;水光针是通过仪器设备将修复型胶原蛋白、透明质酸、PRP生长因子、肉毒素等医学美肤营养配方注入真皮层,注射后皮肤紧致白皙、饱满水润;水光针利用负压multi针在皮肤真皮层注入人体因衰老而流失的玻尿酸、胶原蛋白以及PRP自体细胞、肉毒素等高端注射产品,使皮肤内吸收并储藏本身重量的1000倍的水分,唤醒细胞再生机能,重现修复皮肤枯萎断裂的细胞;在短时间内重塑紧致平滑富有弹性的肌肤;由于水光针无创无痛无痕,深受人们的喜爱。为了达到良好的美容效果,缩短患者重返社交的时间,术后必须给予注射部位进阶护理,例如:面膜冰敷、面部麻醉、面部清洁等;尤其重要的是在术后应立即冰敷及按压治疗部位,防止毛细血管出血导致的面部青紫。目前现有技术中最接近的为中国专利申请号2016202112222,其公开了一种颜面部适形冰敷面膜,包括:包括膜本体、固定装置,所述膜本体为半包裹结构,所述膜本体的内侧与人体脸部的眶下区、颧区、颊区、腮腺咬肌区、口周部、颏区、颏下区和下颌下区相对应,所述膜本体上设有鼻部开口和嘴部开口;首先这种颜面部适形冰敷面膜不能整个覆盖脸部部位,较为适合牙科患者使用;其次这种颜面部适形冰敷面膜在术后只起到冰敷作用,而水光针注射后还需要对注射部位进行针对性的按压,这种颜面部适形冰敷 ...