
技术编号:17963480 阅读:54 留言:0更新日期:2018-05-16 07:04

A method and device for determining time offset

A method and device for determining the time offset includes: the device at the head end obtains the time domain signal based on the received signal; then, the time offset is determined according to the size of the peak mean ratio of the predetermined number of symbols in the time domain signal from the Q symbol, in which the peak to average ratio of the Q symbol is greater than that of the time domain signal. A predetermined threshold value. A new method of determining time offset is provided, and the time domain signal obtained by the device at the head end has the advantage of stronger anti frequency offset, phase noise and so on. The method of determining the time offset can be used for both initial distance measurement and periodic range finding, thus ensuring that all terminals sent by the terminals are aligned at the time of the device located at the head end, thus ensuring the normal communication of the multipoint access communication system.





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