The invention relates to a corrosion protection method, in particular to a method for preventing corrosion of aluminum cans after cooking. The method of preventing the corrosion of the aluminum tank after cooking includes the following steps: before the aluminum pot is cooked, the RO water which is used for the sterilization of the aluminum tank is added to the acid with high temperature above 121 centigrade and has the oxidation resistance, the pH value of the RO water is adjusted to be 5 to 7, and the conductivity of the RO water is controlled under 50 mu s/cm; or before the aluminum pot is cooked, the aluminum tank is used in the aluminum tank. In the RO water, the corrosion inhibition rate increased with the increase of temperature, the percentage of the corrosion inhibitor and RO water was greater than 0 and not more than 2.5 per thousand. By controlling the pH value of the steamed RO water to 5 ~ 7, and controlling the conductivity of the RO water below 50 u s/cm or adding corrosion inhibitor to the RO water which is used for the sterilization of the aluminum tank, the water quality of the sterilizing kettle can be effectively prevented from the phenomenon of leukoplakia in the aluminum tank after the high temperature steaming.
铝制两片罐具有质量轻、密封性好、无味无毒、易携带及可回收等优点而被广泛使用,尤其在饮料包装容器中占有相当大的比重。随着经济的发展和人民生活消费水平的提高,饮料消费也随之增加,铝罐需求量也呈逐年增长趋势。铝为活泼的两性金属,铝及其合金制品在实际使用过程中容易被氧化腐蚀,严重影响铝及其制品的相关应用,每年因铝的氧化腐蚀引起的经济损失数量巨大。多年来人们研究出了各种各样的铝抗腐蚀方法,取得了巨大的成就,但也存在一些不足。如无机抗腐蚀剂存在环境污染等问题,目前有机抗腐蚀剂和植物成份天然抗腐蚀剂应用较为普遍,但一般需要多种抗腐蚀剂复配方能达到理想的抗腐蚀效果,成本高,操作复杂,环境损害等。因而寻找更为简单、安全、有效、环境友好的抗腐蚀剂非常必要。在我们的实际应用中,铝两片罐灌装后需经过121℃、20min的高温高压蒸煮杀菌工艺,此杀菌过程较一般碳酸饮料和啤酒对于易拉罐的抗氧化性要求更苛刻。如在制罐以及灌装过程中工艺控制出现偏差,就很容易出现高温蒸煮后在罐底形成白斑,影响产品的外部美观。目前,制罐厂可通过严格控制制罐工艺,在一定程度上减缓高温蒸煮杀菌时罐底白斑的形成,但却无法完全杜绝罐底白斑的出现,因此,控制高温蒸煮杀菌阶段的条件十分必要。通过扫描电镜分析可以观察到罐底铝材表面有轧痕,推测可知铝罐表面的锆酸盐钝化层非常薄,通常在微米级,因而容易被刮擦破坏,在高温蒸煮时更容易被腐蚀形成白斑;对比观察出现白斑的样品,可以看到白斑由氧化斑块组成,凸出表面。EDS能 ...