A high foot cup drying device involves the cleaning field of daily necessities, including a long strip positioning frame, an internal wiping mechanism and an external wiping mechanism. The external wiping mechanism includes two frictional conveyer swabbing bands distributed symmetrically on both sides of the positioning frame, and the friction transport wiping belt includes elastic wiping parts that can clamp different shape high foot cups. The upper side of the swab is provided with a friction belt, and the lower side of the friction belt is provided with a number of friction wheels that can be rotated with the friction belt; the friction wheel is rotated and connected to the positioning frame; the inner wiping mechanism includes a hot air blower and a plurality of supporting tubes at both ends. The support tube is located under the positioning frame, and the support tube can slide along the positioning frame; the support pipe is under the bottom end. The hose is connected to the air outlet of the hot air blower, the top of the supporting pipe is open, the side wall of the support tube is open with air holes, and the side wall of the support tube is evenly arranged with the air bag connected with the ventilation hole, and the air bag is provided with an internal wiping piece. This scheme can wipe out different structure of goblets and glasses, and is convenient to use.
本专利技术意在提供一种高脚杯擦干装置,以使装置可以擦拭杯体平滑的玻璃杯和高脚杯。为达到上述目的,本专利技术的基础方案如下:一种高脚杯擦干装置,包括长条形定位架、内擦拭机构和外擦拭机构;所述外擦拭机构包括两条对称分布在定位架两侧的摩擦输送擦拭带,所述摩擦输送擦拭带包括一对输送轴,所述输送轴上安装有能夹紧不同形状高脚杯的弹性擦拭件;所述弹性擦拭件上侧设有摩擦带,摩擦带的下侧设有多个能与摩擦带摩擦转动的摩擦轮;所述摩擦轮转动连接在定位架上,摩擦轮的下表面与定位架下表面齐平;所述内擦拭机构包括热风机和多个两端开口的支撑管,所述支撑管设在定位架正下方,支撑管能沿着定位架滑动;支撑管下端通过软管与热风机的出风口连通,支撑管顶部开口;支撑管的侧壁上开有通气孔,支撑管的侧壁上均匀设有和通气孔连通的气囊,气囊上设有内擦拭件。本方案的原理在于:先将一组清洗完成的高脚杯倒置套在支撑管上,使两组输送轴反向转动(所述反向转动是 ...