The application provides a heat conduction device for the LED car lamp to solve the problem of short life of the LED lamp and the serious light failure caused by the poor cooling effect of the LED car lamp in the existing technology. Specifically, the device includes a phase change heat pipe, a heat conduction case and a fan for the installation of the LED module. The LED module is flat, one of which is welded on the outer surface of the phase change heat pipe. The phase change heat pipe is arranged inside the heat conduction shell, and the outer surface of the phase change heat pipe is fitted to the inner surface of the heat conduction case, and the heat conduction case is formed by the shape pair. Two heat conduction shells are assembled, and one end of each heat conduction shell is set with a plurality of heat dissipating fins. A plurality of heat dissipating gaps formed between the heat dissipating fins are aligned to the air outlet direction of the fan. When the two heat conduction housing is assembled to form a heat conduction shell, a cavity is formed by the center of the heat dissipation fin of the two heat conduction housing. The fan is installed in the cavity body and the direction of the wind outlet is parallel to the heat conduction direction of the phase change heat pipe. Compared with the existing technology, it can improve the heat conduction efficiency of the LED car lamp and ensure the temperature of the LED module in the normal working range, thus increasing the life of the LED module and improving the optical efficiency of the LED module.
安装在汽车上的车灯主要起照明和信号作用。当前,车灯主要有三种类型:卤素灯、氙气灯和LED(即发光二极管的简称)灯。LED灯是最新一代的车灯,具有使用寿命长、照明效果更佳及外观更美观的优点。与卤素灯、氙气灯相比,LED灯存在一个较大的问题就是发热,若LED光源产生的热量无法及时导出,热量聚集会使光源温度持续升高,长此以往会产生严重的光衰,影响车灯使用寿命;因此,影响LED车灯的光效和寿命的最大因素就是温度,为保障LED车灯的正常使用,需要使用散热性能良好的导热装置。相变热管是利用介质在蒸发端端蒸发后在冷凝端冷凝的相变过程来使得热量快速传导的装置。相变热管一般由管壳、吸液芯和端盖组成,热管内部被抽成负压状态,充入适当的液体,这种液体沸点低,容易挥发。管壁有吸液芯,其由毛细多孔材料构成。相变热管一端为蒸发端,另外一端为冷凝端,当相变热管一端受热时,毛细管中的液体迅速汽化,蒸汽在热扩散的动力下流向另外一端,并在冷凝端冷凝释放出热量,液体再沿多孔材料靠毛细作用流回蒸发端,如此循环,热量由受热端快速传导至另一端,直至相变热管两端温度相等。当前,LED车灯的散热装置主要由铝灯体和散热翅片组成,在部分设计中增加了风扇,但已有的散热设计并不能有效将热量从LED发光模组带走以降低发光模组的温度,从而影响了LED车灯的工作性能与使用时间。申请内容本申请的一个目的是提供一种LED车灯的导热装置,用以解决现有技术中LED车灯散热结构效果不佳造成的LED车灯温度高、寿命短、光衰严重的问题。为实现 ...