A device for improving the purity of hydrogen by a hydrogen cooled generator of the utility model is provided with a first oil intake pipe on the oil filling pipeline to the hydrogen side sealed oil tank, and a second inlet pipeline is connected to the first oil intake pipe, and the second inlet pipe connects to the vacuum filter, and the direction of the oil intake on the second oil intake pipeline is dependent on the oil intake direction of the second oil intake pipeline. The first manual cut-off valve and the second solenoid valve are set up; the vacuum oil filter is also connected with second oil pipelines and has a secondhand movable cut-off valve; the second oil pipeline connects the first oil pipeline, the first oil pipeline is connected with the first oil outlet, and the first solenoid valve is set on the connecting pipe; the first oil inlet pipeline is set up. A third electromagnetic valve is arranged on the oil feeding pipeline between the first oil pipeline and the first oil pipeline. In the actual operation of the hydrogen cooled generator, the utility model solves the problem that the balance valve is not accurately adjusted and the purity of the hydrogen is reduced because the oil exchange is caused by the impurity of the seal oil, which leads to the poor adjustment precision of the balance valve, and the inaccuracy of the pressure signal measurement.
氢冷发电机冷却介质采用氢气,目前,我国制造的大型氢冷发电机普遍采用较为成熟的双流环密封油系统,对发电机内的氢气进行密封,使氢气纯度最低维持在96%以上。该双流环密封油系统是比较完善的供油系统,其系统分空侧油路和氢侧油路两部分组成。根据双流环密封油系统的分析,氢侧密封油与发电机内氢气接触,只要能保持氢侧密封油与空侧密封油压力完全相等,氢侧密封油路就完全独立的运行,不会与带有空气、杂质空侧密封油相接触,发电机内的氢气就不会下降。但是该双流环密封油系统在实际运行中,空侧密封油与氢侧密封油之间存在或多或少的压力差。不管是空侧密封油在密封瓦内向氢侧密封油窜油,或者氢侧密封油在密封瓦内向空侧密封油窜油,都存在与含有影响氢气纯度下降的带空气、杂质的空侧密封油之间油交换的现象。只是油交换的位置不同而已,前者发生在密封瓦内,后者发生在氢侧密封油箱内。所有的交换最终通过氢侧密封油与发电机内氢气接触,密封油中的空气析出后,造成发电机内氢气纯度下降。从双流环密封油系统及其工作原理分析,在实际运行中,因氢侧密封油与空侧密封油压力不平衡,而存在油交换的原因有两个:一个原因是双流环密封油系统中平衡阀调节精度的下降,需要平衡阀的调节精度±490Pa,在结构上通过控制平衡阀活塞的加工装配精度来保障。在运行中,密封油中总是含有杂质,造成活塞运动阻力增大,甚至卡涩,从而导致平衡阀调节精度变差,不能总是维持氢侧密封油与空侧密封油压力差在正常的范围内,引起油交换,造成氢气污 ...