The invention discloses a pharmaceutical test ventilator, including a cabinet body of a ventilator. The upper end of the body of a ventilation cabinet is provided with a multilayer partition board, a baffle is arranged on the back end of the partition board, a fixed pipe is installed on the upper end of the baffle plate, a sprinkler is set at the lower end of the fixed pipe, the pump is connected with the fixed pipe, the water pump is connected to the tank body of the reaction liquid, and one side of the ventilator cabinet body is on one side. A suction port is arranged in the partition position, the air suction port is connected with the air pump, the air collecting cover is arranged in the top box, the air collecting hood is connected with the cabinet body of the ventilator, the air collecting cover is connected with the filter box, the filter box is fitted with the filter packing net box, the filter box is connected with the suction pump, the bottom end of the ventilator cabinet is set with a liquid tank and the liquid tank is connected to the drain pipe. The structure of the invention is stable, the ventilation and exhaust function can be realized, the air environment safety of the laboratory is ensured, the leakage and cleaning function of the drug can be realized, the drug volatilization ventilation and the drug cleaning and collecting can be realized, the functions are varied, the use is convenient, and the safety and stability can be used.
药学是连接健康科学和化学科学的医疗保健行业,它承担着确保药品的安全和有效使用的职责。药学主要研究药物的来源、炮制、性状、作用、分析、鉴定、调配、生产、保管和寻找(包括合成)新药等。主要任务是不断提供更有效的药物和提高药物质量,保证用药安全,使病患得以以伤害最小,效益最大的方式治疗或治愈疾病。药学最先是从人类社会初期开始出现的。人类在与大自然作斗争中创造了原始的医药,医药学同其它科学一样,来源于人类的社会实践和物质生活的需要。药学是历代人民大众智慧的结晶,它对全人类的健康发展,种族繁衍与发展,有着巨大贡献。药学在世界各大经济领域可以说是发展最快的门类之一,医药公司的年经济效益增长率已经高于国家的经济增长速度。并且,由于它关系着每个人的健康,越来越受到国家和社会的重视。我国的药学事业近几年的发展也是非常迅猛的,许多药品都得到了国际市场的认可,也与外国企业建立了合作关系,但在专业人才方面有稀缺,这表明药学专业有很广阔的发展前景。药学中进行需要进行各类试验,试验中需要用到多种不同的药剂,这类药剂一般存储在药柜或者通风柜中,通风柜是实验室通风设计中不可缺少的一个组成部分。为了使实验室工作人员不吸入或咽入一些有毒的、可致病的或毒性不明的化学物质和有机体、实验室中应有良好的通风。为阻止一些蒸气、气体和微粒(烟雾、煤烟、灰尘和气悬体)的吸收,污染物质须用通风柜、通风罩或局部通风的方法除去,通风柜的功能中最主要的是排气功能,在化学实验室中,实验操作时产生各种有害气体、臭气、湿气以及易燃、易爆 ...
一种药学试验通风柜,包括通风柜柜体(2),通风柜柜体(2)为密封结构,通风柜柜体(2)前端设置有密封玻璃门,其特征在于,所述通风柜柜体(2)下端设置有存储室(15),通风柜柜体(2)上端设置有多层隔板(10),隔板(10)后端设置有挡板(9),挡板(9)上端装有固定管道(8),固定管道(8)下端设置有喷头(7),固定管道(8)连接水泵(27),水泵(27)上装有管接头(26),管接头(26)连接固定管道(8),水泵(27)连接反应液罐体(22),反应液罐体(22)内装有搅拌装置(24),搅拌装置(24)包括转轴,转轴水平设置,转轴末端装有搅拌叶,转轴连接驱动装置(25),驱动装置(25)包括变速箱,变速箱上装有驱动电机,反应液罐体(22)上设置有添加口(23),添加口(23)上装有密封盖,所述通风柜柜体(2)一侧对应隔板(10)位置设置有吸气口(4),吸气口(4)上装有滤网(3),吸气口(4)连接密封气管,密封气管(4)连接气泵(16),气泵(16)设置在顶箱(5)内,顶箱(5)内设置有集气罩(21),集气罩(21)开口向下,集气罩(21)下端连通通风柜柜体(2),集气罩(21)连接过 ...