The preparation of a kind of tea is composed of orange fruit, Ge Gen, trifoliate trifoliate leaf and bud tea. The characteristics of the preparation are as follows: the processing technology is the preparation process, and the ingredients are selected, and the ingredients are taken on the proportion of the seeds of trifoliate trifoliate, Ge Gen, trifoliate orange, and bud tea. The roasted seeds are slightly expanded and the color of the seed coat is dark brown, and the kudzu root is roasted to the dark brown color and is cooled and crushed naturally, and the leaves of the trifoliate orange are baked in accordance with the baking process of the bud tea. It solves the problem that the traditional drinking water and vinegar are slow to remove alcohol, and the natural alcoholism of Pueraria and pueraria lobata is not pure enough and is suitable for drinking and drunken people to remove alcohol and drink.
本专利技术为解决传统的饮水、醋方式解酒慢,葛根、葛花解酒药性不纯和的问题,专利技术一种具有醒酒功效的解酒茶的制做方法。本专利技术的技术方案是,一种解酒茶的制备,包括组分为:枳椇子、葛根、枳椇叶、芽茶,其特殊之处是制作工艺为,选料,按比例取枳椇子、葛根、枳椇叶、芽茶;配料预加工处理,分别将枳椇子、葛根用净水淘净,在200-350度温度下快速烘烤,枳椇子烘烤至种仁略膨胀、种皮颜色变深呈黑褐色;葛根烘烤至颜色变深呈黑褐色后自然冷却粉碎;枳椇叶按照芽茶的烘制工艺进行烘制加工。枳椇子、枳椇叶性味纯和,补中益气,既具有解酒功能,方便饮用和携带。每次5-15克,饮酒前、饮酒过程中或饮酒后泡饮。本专利技术的技术效果是,采用上述的技术方案,可以实现一种具有保健、快速醒酒功效的解酒茶。酒后饮用,能解除饮酒导致的头痛、头晕、恶心、呕吐、面色潮红等症状。具体实施方式实施例1取枳椇子35克、葛根25克、枳椇叶25克、芽茶15克;将枳椇子、葛根先用净水淘净,然后放入烘焙机中在200-350度温度下快速烘烤,枳椇子烘烤至种仁略膨胀、种皮颜色变深呈黑褐色,葛根烘烤至颜色变深呈黑褐色后自然冷却,粉碎分别过15-20目筛;枳椇叶按照芽茶的烘制工艺烘制加工;将处理好的枳椇子、葛根、枳椇叶三种配料及芽茶混合后装入泡剂包装袋,即制成100克解酒茶。实施例2 ...