A kind of Dendrobium officinale tablet and its preparation method. 1) the pretreatment of the fresh strips of Dendrobium officinale, 2) the ultra fine crushing of Dendrobium officinale; 3) the iron skin Shi Huchao micro powder was mixed with water in the sand ice machine to get the original liquid of Dendrobium officinale; 4) the superfine powder of Dendrobium officinale and the juice of Dendrobium officinale were mixed evenly, and the soft wood of Dendrobium officinale was obtained; 5) the soft wood of Dendrobium officinale was obtained according to the routine work. The granulation, drying, pressing and sterilization of the Dendrobium officinale were carried out. The invention uses ingredients of Dendrobium candidum and does not add any excipients to ensure that the ingredients of Dendrobium candidum are made of pure powder. The juice of fresh Dendrobium officinale added with water is used as binder and wetting agent to prepare the tablet of Dendrobium officinale. It is not necessary to add other additives such as other adhesives and wetting agents to make a tablet. It effectively ensures the health of the product, without additives, and avoids the use of alcohol as a wetting agent. The production cost is reduced and the harm of additives is avoided.
铁皮石斛(学名:DendrobiumofficinaleKimuraetMigo):茎直立,圆柱形,长9-35厘米,粗2-4毫米,不分枝,具多节;叶二列,纸质,长圆状披针形,边缘和中肋常带淡紫色。总状花序常从落了叶的老茎上部发出,具2-3朵花;花苞片干膜质,浅白色,卵形,长5-7毫米,萼片和花瓣黄绿色,近相似,长圆状披针形,唇瓣白色,基部具1个绿色或黄色的胼胝体,卵状披针形,比萼片稍短,中部反折。蕊柱黄绿色,长约3毫米,先端两侧各具1个紫点;药帽白色,长卵状三角形,长约2.3毫米,顶端近锐尖并且2裂。花期3-6月。生于海拔达1600米的山地半阴湿的岩石上。主要分布于中国安徽、浙江、福建等地。其茎入药,属补益药中的补阴药:益胃生津,滋阴清热。皮石斛因其独特的药用和保健作用而受到广泛关注,其产品有鲜条、枫斗、软胶囊、口含片等。目前市场上存在多种铁皮石斛口含片,如公开号CN102406842A、CN102949597A等专利技术专利,均公开了铁皮石斛含片的组成及制备方法,但是,它们都在不同程度上添加了辅料或添加剂,一方面导致主药含量相对降低;另一方面,人们在服用含片的同时也服用了一定量的添加剂,存在不利影响。104605343A的专利技术专利公开了一种铁皮石斛含片及其制备方法,该含片的固体成份为100%铁皮石斛,其制备方法为:取适量铁皮石斛超微粉,用热水冲浆,制成粘合剂;另取适量铁皮石斛超微粉加入50~95%食用酒精混匀后,再加入粘合剂中制成铁皮石斛 ...
一种铁皮石斛含片的制备方法,其特征在于:包括以下步骤,1)铁皮石斛鲜条的预处理:将铁皮石斛鲜条置于超声波清洗仪中,于25‑40kHz超声处理10‑15min后取出晾干;2)取干燥铁皮石斛进行超微粉碎,得到铁皮石斛超微粉;3) 将铁皮石斛超微粉置于功率为1800W、频率为50Hz的沙冰机中与水混合,其中,新鲜铁皮石斛和水的配比为25~150g:1000ml,得到铁皮石斛原液;4)按1500g~4000g:1000ml的配比称取铁皮石斛超微粉和铁皮石斛汁液,混合均匀,得到铁皮石斛软材;5)所得铁皮石斛软材按常规工艺进行制粒、干燥、压片、杀菌,在‑50~‑35℃的条件下,超低温冷冻后,真空升华干燥24~36h,即得到铁皮石斛含化片。