The utility model relates to a lightning arrester with built-in current transformer, which belongs to the field of lightning arrester on-line monitoring technology. The technical scheme is: the outer sleeve of the insulation cylinder or the insulating rubber structure (3) has an current transformer (10); the outside of the current transformer (10) has external insulation (2); the current transformer (10) is the current transformer output line (11), which is connected with the output signal interface (12) of the current transformer on the lower flange (5). The output interface of the current transformer is connected with an external meter or a lightning arrester on-line monitoring instrument. On the premise of changing the parameter performance and main structure of the arrester, the utility model eliminates the factors that affect the accuracy and reliability of the leakage current measurement under the operating voltage, realizes the accurate measurement of the leakage current of the lightning arrester under the operating voltage, simplifies the installation of the arrester, reduces the installation parts, and improves the lightning arrestor. The reliability and accuracy of on-line monitoring.
避雷器是电力系统中非常重要的一种过电压防护设备,用于防止电力系统雷电过电压。因为具有非线性系数小、保护特性好、能量吸收能力强、通流能力大、结构简单和稳定性好等优点,目前氧化锌避雷器应用最为广泛。氧化锌避雷器的结构一般如附图1所示。图中,1为上法兰,金属材质,导电;2为外部绝缘,一般为瓷质或硅橡胶;3为绝缘筒或绝缘胶结构,在加强绝缘的同时,增加结构强度;4为氧化锌阀片叠加形成的避雷器阀芯;15为电极,金属材质,导电,连接避雷器阀芯和下法兰;5为下法兰,金属材质,导电。正常运行时,氧化锌避雷器通过上法兰接入电力系统,通过下法兰接入接地网。氧化锌阀片具有极为优越的非线性特性。正常工作电压下氧化锌阀片电阻值很高,近似于一个绝缘体,流过避雷器阀芯的电流很小。而在过电压作用下,氧化锌阀片的电阻变成很小,雷电流可以通过阀芯流入大地。避雷器常见的缺陷是阀片老化和受潮。当避雷器发生这些缺陷后,最典型的特征是运行电压下流过阀片的泄漏电流增大,特别是泄漏电流的阻性分量更加灵敏和准确。《电力设备预防性试验规程》(DL/T596)规定,“运行电压下交流泄漏电流,测量值与初始值比较有明显变化时应加强监测,当阻性电流增加1倍时,应停电检查”。运行电压下泄漏电流全电流与阻性电流的测试,可以通过带电测试的方法完成。但带电测试是周期性开展的,不能实时监测泄漏电流的数据。因此氧化锌避雷器一般都配合安装了泄漏电流在线监测仪表作为在线监测手段,具 ...