A new type of interchange scheme is built on the main main road, the cross type interchange is built on the main main road, and the vehicle drop lane and the pedestrian passage are set separately under the two sides of the overpass bridge. The vehicle driveway is set on both sides of the center line of the ground road, the middle of the intersection is set with the ring island and the turn off lane, and the straight lane is set outside the left side of the turn lane. After the completion of the completion of the main road, the direct traffic along the cross bridge passes through the intersection, the ground road straight vehicles pass through the intersection under the straight line under the bridge, the straight vehicles do not cross at the intersection; the right turn vehicles in each direction pass through the right turn right through the right turn lane and pass through the intersection; the left turn vehicle makes the left turn by using the adjacent intersection to turn left turn. The intersection turns the lane to set up the left turn vehicle for the adjacent intersection to solve the problem of the left turn vehicle crossing. Through building a simple cross line interchange, the invention realizes the interchange of vehicles in all directions at the intersection. The urban center area realizes the road interchange without the demolition or the demolition, and saves the urban space and the project investment.
为了能够在城市中心区利用现有道路空间建设立交,解决交通拥堵问题,本设计提供一种新型方案,建设简单的跨线立交,利用利用路口中间掉头与相邻路口掉头相结合的方法解决左转弯车辆交叉问题,实现简易立交的互通。本设计所采用的方案是:在地面主干道路口中间设置掉头环岛、道路中间两侧设置掉头车道、立交桥下设置掉头车道,本路口的掉头车道为相邻路口左转弯车辆设置,本路口的左转弯车辆利用相邻路口的掉头车道实现,利用相邻路口掉头解决左转弯车辆交叉问题,实现了简易立交互通。本设计方案的有益效果是:1)通过建设简单的跨线立交实现路口各方向车辆互通,增加路口车辆通行效率,有效解决城市拥堵。2)立交桥建设在现有城市道路空间即可实现,无需拆迁或者少量拆迁即可实施,大大减少了工程投入。3)立交是建设在既有道路上方,不影响已有的周边商业环境,减少立交对城市环境影响。4)虽然立交桥路口左转弯是通过相邻路口解决, ...