A feeding mechanism of a universal joint, including a support, a support plate and a feeding component, which is located on the same side with the feeding component, and the support plate and the feed component are fixed with the support. The supporting plate is matched with the feeding component, the support plate is provided under the feeding component, and the support plate includes a positioning plate, a rotating plate and a rotating plate. There is a reset piece suitable for the feeding component. Compared with the existing technology, the workpiece is pushed out of the feeding mechanism under the function of the feed component, and is fit with the clamp under the action of the feed component, and the workpiece is automatically feed. And when the workpiece is clamped, the rotating plate carrying the workpiece is sent to the workpiece under the action of the workpiece. The rotation plate makes the workpiece detached from the rotating plate, and the rotating plate is reset under the action of the reset piece and the positioning rod. The rotating plate can be reset automatically, and the repetitive feed to the workpiece is realized, and the workload of the operator is saved.
目前,国内外常见的空间交错轴之间的扭矩的传递方式,主要是通过万向接头来实现,万向接头主要包括单节式万向接头、双节式万向接头、可伸缩式万向接头、带弹簧式万向接头、流体万向接头和球形万向接头。万向接头是实现变角度动力传递的机件,用于需要改变传动轴线方向的位置,它是汽车驱动系统的万向传动装置的“关节”部件。万向接头与传动轴组合,称为万向接头传动装置。在前置发动机后轮驱动的车辆上,万向接头传动装置安装在变速器输出轴与驱动桥主减速器输入轴之间;而前置发动机前轮驱动的车辆省略了传动轴,万向接头安装在既负责驱动又负责转向的前桥半轴与车轮之间。万向接头的结构和作用有点像人体四肢上的关节,它允许被连接的零件之间的夹角在一定范围内变化。为满足动力传递、适应转向和汽车运行时所产生的上下跳动所造成的角度变化,前驱动汽车的驱动桥,半轴与轮轴之间常用万向接头相连。但由于受轴向尺寸的限制,要求偏角又比较大,单个的万向接头不能使输出轴与轴入轴的瞬时角速度相等,容易造成振动,加剧部件的损坏,并产生很大的噪音,所以广泛采用各式各样的等速万向接头。同时在各种气动和手动工具中,经常需要使用到接头,以起到连接和传递力的作用,上述接头一般与套筒连接,套筒然后与施力臂连接,当外力施加在施力臂上时,通过套筒和接头将力传递给带有接头的连接件上,最后接头将力施加在紧固件上,从而将紧固件紧固在被连接物上,同时某些气动工具和手动工具在使用过程中,环境比较复杂,如汽车维修过程中,留给操作人员和维修工具的空间会受到 ...