The invention discloses a numerical control high light machine for mechanical manufacture, including a machine platform, which is fixed on the machine platform, and an electric sliding rail module is connected by a hydraulic cylinder at the top of the board. The electric sliding rail module is fixed with a machining spindle on the electric slide module, and the machine platform is fixed with a machining platform through a fixed rod; The upper and lower ends of the filter cover are connected to the upper and lower rings and the lower clip ring respectively. The lower clip ring is fixed to the machine platform through a support plate, and the frame is also fixed with a support. The guide roller is connected with a guide roller, the guide roller is connected with the output end of the motor, the guide roller is equipped with a conveyor belt, and the conveyor belt is provided. The conveyor belt is provided with a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is provided with a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt is provided with a conveyor belt. A recycling box is provided below the end of the end. The invention can clean the surface of the workpiece on the surface of the workpiece to ensure the processing quality of the workpiece; through the filter cover, the cutting fluid which is mixed with iron and iron wire can be filtered to separate and recover the solid and liquid, save the resources, and the cleaning efficiency of the impurities is high.
机械加工是指通过一种机械设备对工件的外形尺寸或性能进行改变的过程。按加工方式上的差别可分为切削加工和压力加工。机器的生产过程是指从原材料(或半成品)制成产品的全部过程。对机器生产而言包括原材料的运输和保存,生产的准备,毛坯的制造,零件的加工和热处理,产品的装配、及调试,油漆和包装等内容。加工需要的机械由数显铣床、数显成型磨床、数显车床、电火花机、万能磨床、加工中心、激光焊接、中走常用机械丝、快走丝、慢走丝、外圆磨床、内圆磨床、精密车床等,可进行精密零件的车、铣、刨、磨等加工,此类机械擅长精密零件的车、铣、刨、磨等加工,可以加工各种不规则形状零件,加工精度可达2μm。而高光机在机械制造过程中广泛使用。高光机是根据其加工产品的特点而命名的,其外形类似雕刻机(或者是精雕机),主轴选用100000RPM的气浮主轴,在加工产品时,达到镜面效果,看不到刀纹。目前高光机的别名也比较多,例如倒边机、亮边机、倒角高光机等等。高光机在工作时会产生大量的铁屑,每次工件加工完成后通常都需要使用风枪将加工平台上的铁屑向外吹扫,在使用风枪向外吹扫铁屑的过程中,铁屑会四处分散,这样就会对现场的工作环境造成不利影响,再有吹落的铁屑往往会进行到加工平台下方的缝隙内,这样就会影响到与加工平台连接的滑轨、驱动机构(如滚珠丝杆)的正常工作,有时甚至会对驱动机构造成腐蚀,使设备损坏,降低设备的使用寿命,另外,在高光机加工过程中,需要使用切屑液等试剂,造成废渣和废液混合,不能对废液废渣进行固 ...