The utility model discloses a carbon dioxide liquefaction device of a gas carbon capture system. The device includes a buffer tank. The inlet of the buffer tank is connected with a regenerative gas pipeline from a carbon capture system. The outlet of the buffer tank is connected with the high temperature side entrance of the low temperature dehumidifier. The high temperature dehumidifier outlet of the low temperature dehumidifier connects to the activated carbon tower and the molecular sieve at the high temperature side. Tower, first CO2 compressor, condenser, throttle valve and gas-liquid separator, the liquid outlet of the gas liquid separator is connected to the entrance of the lift pump, the exit of the pump is connected to the entrance of the liquid CO2 storage tank, the gas outlet of the gas liquid separator is connected with the low temperature dehumidifier side entrance, the low temperature dehumidifier is exported to the low temperature side and the inlet of the second CO2 compressor. Connected, the second CO2 compressor outlet is connected to the inlet of the condenser; the utility model uses the high pressure supercritical CO2 throttling expansion to realize self liquefaction, and then the supercooling of the liquid CO2 through the booster pump, thus saving the independent ammonia cold mechanism cold system.
二氧化碳(CO2)是最主要的温室气体。工业生产(石油、电力、化工、水泥等)过程中向大气排放大量的二氧化碳气体,导致全球性的气候变化,威胁人类文明社会的可持续发展。烟气二氧化碳捕集、利用与封存(CCUS)技术被广泛认为是实现大规模温室气体减排、遏制气候变化的重要技术途径。采用有机胺作为二氧化碳吸收溶剂的化学吸收法是当前主流的烟气二氧化碳捕集技术,已开发百万吨级工业级示范装置。由于CCUS技术链条中的二氧化碳利用与封存往往与捕集装置的地理位置有一定的距离,需要将CO2从捕集点运输到利用/封存地点。为了便于运输,需要将捕集的CO2气体进行液化,然后通过罐车进行运输。通过化学吸收法从烟气中捕集并再生出来的二氧化碳再生气温度约为40-50℃,压力约为150-200kPa(绝对压力),CO2纯度约为95%,另外还有近5%的水分以及微量O2、N2、NO、氨气等杂质气体。常规的液化方式如图1所示。常规液化系统的工艺流程如下:来自碳捕集系统的CO2再生气(150kPa,40℃)经缓冲罐1缓冲后进入低温除湿器2降温除湿,除去再生气中约5%的水分;经过除湿后的CO2气体被CO2压缩机3压缩至约2.5MPa,压缩机自带冷却系统,将压缩后的气体冷却至35~40℃;压缩后的CO2气体进入活性炭塔4除去有机挥发物VOCs和氨气等微量杂质气体,然后进入分子筛塔5进行深度除湿,以满足工业级CO2标准;净化后的气体进入氨冷器6冷却到约‐20℃(过冷液体) ...