The invention discloses a fertilizer for improving the cultivated soil of peach trees, which is composed of the weight portion of the following raw materials: 5 distillers' grains, 15 portions of soybean meal powder, 15 corn straw 25, 4 earthworms 10, 30 chicken manure, 50, 3, rice, rice husks, rice husk residue, sweet potato residue and charcoal ash 30, 3 borax, 5, 10, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2 citrate, 2 urea, 7, calcium gluconate, ammonium gluconate, ammonium sulfate, zinc sulfate, potassium sulfate, potassium sulfate, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid and sulphuric acid. Manganese 3, 7 and right amount of water. In order to improve the assimilation efficiency of peach plants, enhance drought resistance and disease resistance, improve the quality of fruit, and improve the quality of peach trees by adding the fertilizer to the metabolism of the peach trees, the synthesis, transportation and transformation of the carbs.
本专利技术的目的就在于为了解决上述问题而提供一种改善桃树种植土壤的肥料,通过增施本肥料改善果实品质,提高桃子个头和品质。为了实现上述目的,本专利技术是通过以下技术方案实现的:一种改善桃树种植土壤的肥料,按照以下原料的重量份数组成:酒糟5-15份、豆粕粉10-20份、玉米秸秆15-25份、蚯蚓4-10份、鸡粪30-50份、小麦秸秆3-5份、粳米4-10份、稻壳8-15份、红薯渣8-15份、木炭灰15-30份、硼砂3-8份、尿素5-10份、植物乳酸菌1-3份、酵母菌1-3份、柠檬酸钙2-7份、尿素10-20份、葡萄糖酸锌8-20份、硫酸亚铁6-10份、磷酸一铵10-20份、硫酸锌3-5份、硫酸钾5-8份、硫酸镁5-15份、硫酸铜3-7份、硫酸锰3-7份和适量的水。上述的一种改善桃树种植土壤的肥料,按照以下原料的重量份数组成:酒糟5-10份、豆粕粉10-15份、玉米秸秆15-20份、蚯蚓4-8份、鸡粪30-40份、小麦秸秆3-4份、粳米4-8份、稻壳8-12份、红薯渣8-13份、木炭灰15-25份、硼砂3-6份、尿素5-8份、植物乳酸菌1-3份、酵母菌1-3份、柠檬酸钙2-6份、尿素10-18份、葡萄糖酸锌8-1 ...