A method of making calcium silicate insulation board is used to use silicon micro powder technology in thermal insulation material, to change the structure of silicate insulation material and to improve the insulation property of thermal insulation material. Silicon micro powder can fill the gap between calcium silicate. Because the molecular force increases the volume of calcium silicate, the density decreases, the thermal conductivity decreases and the thermal insulation effect will be better. Silicon micro powder can significantly improve the thermal resistance of materials, such as compression, bending, impermeability, corrosion resistance, impact resistance and wear resistance. The addition of silicon micro powder plays a key role in improving the performance of silicon micro powder insulation material. Compared with ordinary calcium silicate refractory material, the fire resistance temperature is raised above 200 degrees C, and the thermal insulation effect is increased by more than 30%. The plate has the characteristics of light quality, small shrinkage deformation rate, good insulation property and the following characteristics, and the remarkable characteristics of high temperature resistance.
的迅猛发展,硅微粉亦将步入新的历史发展时期。现有的玻璃纤维、陶瓷纤维等无石棉硅酸钙绝热制品最高使用温度由雪硅钙石型的650℃到硬硅钙石型的850℃。通过将硅微粉和硅酸钙混合制成的高强型硅钙石耐火温度可以达到1000℃左右。耐火性能和保温性能更加优越。在申请号为201510377407.0的专利技术创造中,裘益奇等专利技术人公开了一种耐高温硅酸钙保温材料及其制备方法。该方法是将 ...