
技术编号:17828973 阅读:61 留言:0更新日期:2018-05-03 13:58

A hopper of a bucket elevator

The invention relates to a hopper of a bucket elevator. The side plate is provided with a bucket body and a lower bucket on the left side, the lower side of the upper bucket body is connected with the upper side of the lower bucket body through a rubber strip, the side plate, the upper bucket body and the lower bucket body constitute the hopper; the upper end of the upper bucket body is open, the upper side of the upper bucket body is provided with a reinforcing bar; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side of the bucket body; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side of the bucket body; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side of the bucket body; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side of the bucket body; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side of the bucket body; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side; the upper bucket is provided with a reinforcing bar; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side of the bucket body; the upper bucket is arranged on the upper side; the upper bucket is provided with a reinforcing bar; the upper bucket is provided with a top bucket. The upper end of the body is inclined to be inclined, and the right side of the reinforcing bar is higher than the left height. The right side of the side plate is provided with a rubber piece, the right of the rubber sheet is a transmission belt, the side plate, the rubber sheet and the drive belt are fixed by the upper fixed rod and the lower fixed rod. The invention can effectively fix the hopper, and the rubber and rubber strips can allow the hopper to have a certain buffer space in the process of feeding and feeding, avoiding the strong force of the hopper and material to cause the damage and deformation of the hopper and improving the service life of the hopper.





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