The barbecue chafing dish table with low oil fume during barbecue is a technical field of catering equipment. The central part of the table is a lower concave space, with a barbecue room, a dismantling metal furnace in the center of the barbecue room, and the lower end of the hot pot container embedded in the top of the barbecue chamber. The center of the pot is set up from the bottom of the container from the bottom of the container to the upper chamber of the container, and the upper mouth of the heating chamber and the upper mouth of the metal furnace and the smoke with the air vent. A chimney is butted, a furnace grate is set at the lower part of the furnace, a carbon ash box is set below the grate, and a number of barbecue entrance is set at the top of the barbecue chamber, and a small door opening and closing the opening and closing of each barbecue entrance is set on the top of each barbecue, and the barbecue room is opened with a needle slot which is blocked when the needle is inserted into the barbecue room and the wooden handle is blocked. An oil tank is set at the bottom. The advantage is not only barbecue and hot pot dual-use, but also a few fumes from the barbecue, in addition to the heat of the barbecue indoors, the taste and appearance of the barbecue food are good.
本技术的目的在于克服现有装置的缺点,提供一种烧烤时散发油烟少的烧烤火锅桌。本技术的结构:桌面中部为下凹空间,下凹空间内设一烧烤室,烧烤室的顶部与桌面平齐,竖向的可拆御金属炉膛设于烧烤室中央,一火锅容器的下端嵌入烧烤室顶部开口内,火锅容器的中央设一自该容器底部向上延伸出火锅容器上口的加热腔,加热腔的下口在烧烤室内与金属炉膛的上口对接,加热腔伸出火锅容器的上口与带调风口的烟囱对接,炉膛下部设有炉箅,炉箅下方设炭灰盒,烧烤室顶部围绕火锅容器设有多个能让外部空间与烧烤室贯通的烧烤入料口,每个烧烤入料口上方设一能开启和闭合的入料口小门,入料口小门上开有当烤针插入烧烤室时其木柄被挡住不下落的挂针槽,烧烤室底部设有接油槽。本技术的使用:先将烧烤室内的金属炉膛取出,放入燃烧的木炭后再置入烧烤室内并固定,然后把火锅容器的下端嵌入烧烤室顶部的开口内。木炭燃烧产生的热量通过加热腔使火锅容器内的汤被煮沸,烟囱的调风口可改变火力大小。需要烧烤时,打开入料口小门,将穿有待烤制肉类等食物的烤针自烧烤入料口放进烧烤室,关上入料口小门,烤针木柄被挂针槽挡住不下落,烧烤室内的金属炉膛散发热量,将悬挂在烧烤室中的肉类等食物均匀地烤熟。由 ...