The invention discloses a low temperature hot water solution can, including the tank body, the tank body is provided with an external heating coil, the upper end of the tank is provided with the feed inlet, the lower end is provided with a feeding mechanism, the tank body has a stirring device extending from the upper end of the tank to the lower end of the tank body, and the upper end of the tank is stirred the material in the tank body to be stirred. The inner part of the stirring device is a hollow structure for refrigerant or heat medium to pass through. The driving device drives the mixing device to rotate, the stirring device stirs the material to make the material be stirred, and the material is stirred evenly. Before the material begins to hydrolyze, the heat medium is put into the stirring device, the material is heated up, and the heat is transferred to the material when the material is stirred. The material is evenly heated in the process of mixing, and the temperature is evenly distributed when the water is used. When the reaction starts, when the material decomposes a lot of heat, the material is poured into the refrigerant in the stirring device, and the material is cooled quickly to prevent the temperature to be too high and the temperature control is convenient.
传统的水解罐为通锅炉蒸汽直接产生120℃~180℃的高温蒸汽,直接加热随之产生的蒸汽关联压力为0.2MPa~0.8MPa,超过120℃、0.2MPa的蒸汽温度,使有机废弃物产生混合型挥发性有机酸,例如甲酸、乙酸、丙酸、丁酸等。随之产生一种焦糊味道污染环境。如加冷却回收挥发性有机酸使工艺过程复杂,增加工艺设备投资。为了解决上述问题,专利号为201610739302.X的中国专利公开了一种低温加压水解罐,包括罐体、外盘管、保温层、支腿、出料阀管组件、进气阀管组件、排水阀管组件、进饱和水阀管组件、出饱和水阀管组件、螺杆输料装置、出气阀管组件,罐体安装在所述支腿上,外盘管盘绕在所述罐体的外壁上,所述保温层包覆在所述外盘管上;外盘管的饱和水进口与所述进饱和水阀管组件连接,外盘管的饱和水出口与所述出饱和水阀管组件连接,在罐体顶部的上封盖上设置有螺杆输料装置、人孔、出气阀管组件、压力表、安全阀、温度表和温度传感器,螺杆输料装置的出料管穿过所述罐体顶部的上封盖进入罐体内;罐体底部的出料口连接所述出料阀管组件和排水阀管组件,进气阀管组件连接在所述出料阀管组件上。上述技术方案所提供的一种低温加压水解罐,对有机物料进行水解时,既达到水解目的,又不排放挥发性有机酸,做到无臭,无焦糊味和其它异味,但是在使用过程中还是会存在以下问题:1、它只采用外盘管进行加热,罐内的物料容易出现升温不均匀、温度分布不均匀的问题,这会导致物料水解不均匀;2、当水解反应启动时,物料因自身分解大量放热时,罐内温度过高,温度无法 ...