The invention relates to a preparation method of a long-term and stable inorganic gel and fire extinguishing gel material, which belongs to the technical field of fire extinguishing gel materials. The invention uses sodium humic acid as the main bonding material, because the active group on the molecular structure of humic acid is cross linked between structural units under the action of the crosslinking agent. The structure after crosslinking is a space truss structure. The resin formed at high temperature is filled with the structure, and the bond is effectively improved under the action of high temperature. Viscosity, increase the coating fire resistance of the material, and the invention can effectively expand and release nano calcium carbonate under the high temperature environment by covering the expansive inorganic material of sodium humate in high temperature environment. Because of the decomposition of calcium carbonate at high temperature, the carbon dioxide produced can effectively reduce the combustion efficiency of the burning material and effectively extinguish the fire. At the same time, the two reignition can be prevented, and the inorganic material can effectively cover the burning material and improve the length of the sealing time, which can effectively improve the long effect stability of the fire extinguishing gel material.
凝胶防灭火技术在我国煤矿应用较早,凝胶材料从无机凝胶材料发展到有机高分子材料。硅酸凝胶作为无机凝胶材料应用较为成熟的一种,也取得较好的效果,但是在具体使用过程中,会产生危害人体健康的有害气体;部分以电解质作为促凝剂的凝胶材料对水质的要求严格,不适宜井下水环境,此种凝胶稳定性差、易老化、成胶时间一般较长。凝胶性能好、对环境友好的新型高分子凝胶是目前国内研究的热点。高分子凝胶材料具有优良的性能,成胶时间短、流变性能适中,可以较好地填充碎煤之间的缝隙,达到隔绝氧气的目的,在煤矿井下以及地面储煤场取得良好的应用效果。但是目前主要使用的高分子材料存在一定的局限:材料本身的性能不完善,大范围使用成本高,部分凝胶材料的强度和稳定性有待进一步加强;大部分高分子材料本身不具有阻化性,其预防煤自燃主要依靠凝胶的包裹隔氧,随着凝胶的脱水退化,原本被包裹的煤体逐渐暴露在空气中,该凝胶材料的抑制煤自燃性能的可持续时间有一定的局限性。以泡沫形式开发的灭火材料其本身泡沫的稳定性远不比凝胶等固相材料;而且泡沫的生命周期存在一定的局限性,其稳定性和封堵性有待进一步加强。针对煤层火灾的特点,研制出胶体防灭火材料。胶体独特的防灭火机理,使得胶体灭火效率高、速度快。其灭火机理和特点如下:(1)覆盖在煤体表面的胶体降低了煤体与氧气接触的概率。煤体的氧化作用是从煤体表面开始的,胶体覆盖在煤体表面,隔绝了煤体与氧气接触,从根源上抑制了煤体的氧化作用,煤体的 ...