The utility model relates to an electric heating ventilating boiler, which belongs to the technical field of building electric heating equipment. The electric heating boiler includes the heating pipe group, which includes several independent electric heating tubes, the electric heating tube heating the circulating heat medium, the heat medium is heated by the electric heating tube and transported the heat energy; the relay group, the relay group includes several relays, each relay is connected to the electric heating pipe respectively. The first sensor, the first sensor, measured the outdoor ambient temperature; the second sensor, the second sensor measured the temperature of the heat medium of the heated medium; the controller set the temperature control threshold of the thermal media according to the outdoor ambient temperature, and the controller was based on the heat. The real-time temperature of the media is used to control the input quantity of the electric heating tube to regulate the heating speed of the heat medium. The device and method can dynamically adjust the temperature of heating medium in heating boiler according to outdoor temperature, so as to reduce indoor temperature changing with outdoor temperature.
电暖通锅炉也叫电取暖炉、电采暖锅炉或电热水锅炉,是一种将电能转化成热能并通过热媒介质(水、油等,以下简称介质)在采暖管道中循环并对室内空气进行加热以满足供暖需求的采暖设备,电功率从几千瓦到几百千瓦不等。传统的电暖通锅炉一般使用机械式继电器对电加热管电流通断进行统一控制。机械式继电器存在开关动作慢、噪声大、动作频繁是易损坏等问题,在用于控制电暖通锅炉时造成故障率高的问题;并且使用机械式继电器,由于其开关噪声较大,特别是晚上较安静时,影响用户的休息。此外,由于普通电暖设备采用统一控制通断电的方式,控制器根据设定的室内温度,选定介质的控温阈值,控温阈值包括温度的设定上线和下限值;当温度未达到设定高温时,将所有电加热管投入进行加热;当温度达到设定高温时,关闭所有电加热管进行放热。这种简单的控制方法,没有考虑影响供暖效果多种影响因素,如:建筑保温效果、管道保暖层的保温效果、循环介质流失、室外环境温度等诸多因素的影响,导致热利用率较低。此外,由于传统电暖通锅炉在设定好被控高温点和低温点后,在整个供暖周期内高温点和低温点都会保持不变。当室外环境温度变化时,建筑室内温度将会出现较大波动,导致设备能耗增加,并且容易造成室内人体的不舒适感等问题。比如:假设室外环境温度为0℃,同时假设热媒介质在分别为50℃和44℃时关闭或启动电加热管,此时室内温度由热媒介质加热至20℃。当室外环境温度升高到10℃后,由于室内温度与室外环境温度温差减小,向环境辐射的热量减少,照样以50℃和44℃时设定电加热管的关闭或 ...