The utility model provides a toothed differential which prevents the return spring from being misplaced, which belongs to the mechanical technical field. The utility model solves the technical problems that the existing differential does not have a good location for the return spring, thereby causing serious technical problems such as serious wear and abnormal noise. A type of inlay differential to prevent the dislocation of the repositioning spring, which includes a central plate, a spring and a cross shaft. The two ends of the cross shaft are symmetrically arranged with a 2.5 axis spline sleeve, two spring seats, two return springs, two side zygotes and two active zygotes, and the spring seat and the side zygote can be set up. A positioning component is fixed at both ends of the back spring. The positioning component includes a positioning block on the side of the joint. The positioning block is provided with a positioning hole inserted at the end of the back position spring, and the spring seat is close to the side end of the same side with a circular positioning slot. The utility model has the advantages of small abrasion and stable transmission.
差速器是当汽车等行驶机器转弯行驶或在不平路面上行驶时,使左右车轮以不同转速滚动,即保证两侧驱动车轮作纯滚动运动,能够调整左右轮的转速差。工程机械用的牙嵌式差速器一般包括:左差速器壳体、左接头车轮、左接合子、左活动接合子、左回位弹簧、左挡圈、中央接盘、卡簧、十字轴衬套、右挡圈、右回位弹簧、右活动接合子、右接合子、右接头齿轮、右差速器壳体,十字轴固定于左右差速器壳十字槽内,中央接盘外圆轴向键槽与十字轴内孔轴向键配合,间隙靠卡簧固定在十字轴内孔中央;它不能轴向移动,但能相对十字轴作微量转动,十字轴两端面沿圆周分布有许多倒梯形断面的径向传力齿,相应接合子端面外边缘有同样的齿,中央接盘两端面沿圆周上分布有许多径向的梯形齿,沿半径方向,齿的一部分与接合子相对端面内边缘梯形齿对应,另一部分与活动接合子相对端面的梯形齿对应,活动接合子是具有缺口的弹性齿圈,其缺口对准十字轴内孔的键,挡圈自身外齿可通过接合子内孔的齿进入接合子内孔的止挡槽中,转过一定角度,即被挡住,相对于接合子不能轴向移动,接头齿轮轴径一端与差速器壳体孔为间隙配合,另一端外齿与接合子内齿啮合;回位弹簧一端装在挡圈内孔中,另一端安装于接头齿轮端的凹槽中,始终处于压缩状态,衬套起支承作用。回位弹簧在结合子与弹簧座之间被压紧,结合子在差速器运行过程中,不断的与十字轴实现结合与分离,回位弹簧处于频率的往复运动中,螺旋弹簧在预紧力不断的变化的同时,其存在一定程度上的旋转,即回位弹簧的两个端部不断的改变位置,对 ...