The utility model discloses a processing device for a battery shell, which comprises a blanking position, a pretension position and a number of drawing positions. The pre drawing work position and the drawing position are set with a bottoming position. The bottom work position is provided with a bottom punch, a bottom concave die, an ellipse at the bottom of the bottom punch, and the bottom middle of the bottom punch die. The part is provided with a convex block which is suitable for the bottom shape of the battery shell, and the convex block and the bottom arc arc transition. The battery shell processing device of the utility model has a bottoming station between the pre stretching position and the drawing position, and thin the bottom of the battery shell at the bottom position without affecting the size of the other parts of the product, and the wall thickness of the battery shell is increased, the overall rigidity of the shell is enhanced, the thickness of the bottom is thinner and the original thickness of the bottom is kept to the original. Explosion-proof pressure to meet market demand.
在国家“十三五”规划中,在新能源汽车方面,到2015年纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车累计产销量力争达到51.7万辆,到2020年,纯电动汽车和插电式混合动力汽车生产能力达200万辆以上、累计产销量超过500万辆以上,燃料电池汽车、车用氢能源产业同步发展。电动汽车市场已经开始规模化启动,将给锂电池市场带来爆发式增长,预计2012年至2020年动力锂电池需求将成百倍增长,同时对电池容量要求需大幅度提升,因此锂电池的推广和应用前景越来越好。锂电池能够成为产业发展方向,主要基于其拥有多项特性。首先其拥有高能量密度,锂离子电池的重量是相同容量的镍镉或镍氢电池的一半,体积是镍镉的40-50℅,镍氢的20-30℅;其次,它还能实现高电压,一个锂离子电池单位体的工作电压为3.7v(平均值),相当于三个串联的镍镉或镍氢电池,同时锂电池的物料、锂离子电池不含有如隔、铅、汞等有害物质,被视为无污染电池。目前随着纯电动汽车、混合动力汽车、电动高速列车等行业的快速发展,根据我国汽车工业发展规划,电动汽车产业的发展目标是:截止2016年11月底其增长了8.18个百分点,保守估计,2017年增长率按10个百分点计算。一台纯电动汽车需要40~50公斤的正极材料和电解液,仅生产100万辆电动车所需的锂离子电池相关材料,就将是目前全球锂电池材料总需求量的数倍,锂电池电动车对动力锂电产生强大推动力,预计2017年动力锂电市场规模约为5亿美元,到2018年将达到160亿美元以上,年均复合增长率高达54 ...