The invention discloses an exhaust gas purification method which can effectively reduce particulate dust, including the following steps: A: the air intake and air outlet are installed on the waste gas treatment bin, the filter net can be detachably installed in the waste gas processing chamber, the adjustment slot is arranged on the waste gas treatment bin, and the filter can be moved along the adjustment slot; B: the installation solution at the top of the waste gas treatment warehouse The telescopic mechanism, the hydraulic expansion mechanism set up the vibration device; C: install the expansion rod at the bottom of the waste gas treatment bin, install the cleaning device on the telescopic rod, the bottom of the waste gas treatment bin set the drain outlet; D: the vibration device repeatedly hits the filter screen, and hits the filter net of the filter on the net, avoids the granular pollutants blocking the filter net; E The cleaning device moves at the bottom of the waste treatment warehouse, and the exhaust particulate matter at the bottom of the waste treatment warehouse is cleaned up and discharged from the sewage outlet. The vibration device of the invention repeatedly hits the filter screen to avoid blockage of the filter by granular contaminants, thereby prolonging the service life of the filter screen and reducing the replacement frequency of the filter screen.
大气污染物由人为源或者天然源进入大气,参与大气的循环过程,经过一定的滞留时间之后,又通过大气中的化学反应、生物活动和物理沉降从大气中去除,如果输出的速率小于输入的速率,就会在大气中相对集聚,造成大气中某种物质的浓度升高,当浓度升高到一定程度时,就会直接或间接地对人、生物或材料等造成急性、慢性危害,大气就被污染了。大气污染物是指由于人类活动或自然过程排入大气的并对环境或人产生有害影响的那些物质,大气污染物按其存在状态可分为两大类:一种是气溶胶状态污染物,另一种是气体状态污染物;若按形成过程分类则可分为一次污染物和二次污染物,一次污染物是指直接从污染源排放的污染物质,二次污染物则是由一次污染物经过化学反应或光化学反应形成的与一次污染物的物理化学性质完全不同的新的污染物,其毒性比一次污染物强。通常所说的大气污染源是指由人类活动向大气输送污染物的发生源,大气的人为污染源可以概括为以下四方面:1、燃料燃烧:燃料燃烧时除产生大量烟尘外,在燃烧过程中还会形成一氧化碳、二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物、有机化合物及烟尘等物质;2、工业生产过程的排放:如石化企业排放硫化氢、二氧化碳、二氧化硫、氮氧化物;有色金属冶炼工业排放的二氧化硫、氮氧化物及含重金属元素的烟尘;3、交通运输过程的排放:汽车、船舶、飞机等排放的尾气是造成大气污染的主要来源;4、农业活动排放:田间施用农药时,一部分农药会以粉尘等颗粒物形式逸散到大气中,残留在作物体上或粘附在作物表面的仍可挥发到大气中。人 ...