The invention relates to a method for preparing a surface coated phthalocyanine blue composite pigment, belonging to the technical field of pigments. Based on the electrostatic action, the copper phthalocyanine with the opposite charge and the layered hydroxide nanomaterials of the hydrotalcite like structure are directly co assembled to obtain layered nanocomposites. The copper phthalocyanine molecules are vertically arranged in a single layer between the layered hydroxide layers, and the layer spacing of the layered hydroxides is increased to make it more reactive. Space, exposing more active center, increasing the binding property with pigment, preventing mass polymerization between particles in the storage process, improving dispersion and compatibility; the invention has short production process, low energy consumption and small environmental pollution, and the product can be directly applied to the preparation of printing ink, and the product of the invention can be used in many kinds of products. The color, color, color, intensity and transparency of the pigment are the same as that of the vertical ball milling, and the chemical stability is high, the color is bright, and the chromatography is complete.
铜酞菁本身不具有颜料性能,它充其量只是酞菁颜料或染料的中间体。由于铜酞菁粗品的晶体颗粒粗大,且纯度又低,所以必须经过表面处理(或称作颜料化)才能作为颜料使用。铜酞菁的工业制造方法按原料粗酞菁蓝的工业制法主要分为以下两种:一种是邻苯二腈法,另一种是苯酐-尿素法。酞菁蓝颜料具有鲜明的颜色,较高的着色力和耐强酸、碱及耐溶剂性等特点。这些优异的颜料性能,使其成为应用最广泛的蓝色颜料,深受广大用户的欢迎。酞菁蓝颜料广泛的应用在印刷油墨、塑料、涂料和纺织印染行业等。酞菁蓝颜料的色光相当纯正,透明性很好,是印刷油墨的三原色之一。同时,酞菁蓝颜料还具有优异的耐溶剂性,这使得它颇受用户的喜爱。因为它具有优异的耐晒牢度、耐气候牢度、耐迁移牢度和耐热稳定性,所以在加工油墨的过程中,即使温度较高,也不会影响它的着色力和透明性。在塑料中,酞菁蓝的耐热稳定性很好,可耐受300℃温度。这使得它适用于塑料的着色,尤其是它还具有很好的易分散性。在水性涂料应用方面,酞菁蓝颜料可用于调制水性凹版柔性油墨、墙面装潢用乳胶漆、涂料印花用色浆等。此外酞菁蓝颜料还可以用于丙纶、涤纶、晴纶、尼龙、粘胶、二醋纤维等纺织品原液的着色。制成的纺织品具有非常优异的干摩擦牢度和湿摩擦牢度。1/3~1/25标准色深度的制品耐晒牢度可达7~8级。但是目前酞菁蓝颜料在生产和应用过程中存在工艺复杂、成本高,在应用体系中分散性差、与其他色颜料结合性能差和价格偏高等问题,因此,急需开发一种酞菁蓝复合颜料。专 ...