The invention relates to a core bone and a manufacturing method for the core of a worm shell casting for a large compressor. The core includes a concentric outer core bone and an inner core bone. The inner ring core bone and the outer core bone are connected with a number of radial beams, and the outer core bone is located in the spiral channel sand of the worm shell. The inner core bone is located inside the narrow seam of the worm shell, which is characterized in that the outer end of the radiation beam is extended to the outer outer core bone and the inner end is extended into the inner part of the inner core bone. The radiation beam is a hollow structure through which the two ends of the beam are connected to the cooling pipe which is passed through the cooling gas. The core bone structure of the invention adopts a hollow structure radiation beam, and the cooling gas is forced to cool in the casting process to prevent the high temperature of the core of the thin neck and the fracture of the sand core in the shape of the fine neck.
空气压缩机是工业领域常用的一种设备,用以生产压缩空气,其中蜗壳是离心式压缩机的核心部件。蜗壳的内表面为非规则曲面结构,一般使用铸造方式生产,其结构如图1和图2所示,蜗壳1的结构特点为一个截面渐变的回旋形通道1A和通道1A壁朝回旋中心方向内侧设置的一周窄缝1B结构。铸造用的砂芯结构如图3所示,用于形成通道1A的圆柱环形通道砂芯2A通过形成窄缝的细颈砂芯2B与中心的圆柱芯头2C相连,形成一个典型的“大头细颈”悬臂芯,浇注时,通道砂芯2A被高密度金属液体包围,受到极大的浮力作用,形成窄缝的细颈砂芯2B的“细颈”部位极易发生断裂,“大头”的通道砂芯2A上浮作用,导致上部皮厚不足,甚至皮透。为避免上述问题,常规的解决思路是在铸件浇注方向上部的皮厚位置镶铸芯撑,以抵抗砂芯的上浮作用,但芯撑被高温液态金属包围,芯撑的温度快速升高,芯撑材料本身的强度快速降低,从而无法抵抗浮力作用而发生变形。或者芯撑可以抵抗砂芯的浮力,但安放芯撑处的砂芯表面在高温条件下不能抵抗浮力作用而发生损坏,或芯撑与基体无法熔合,从而不建议大量采用。又因砂芯的强度较低,特别是高温强度,在砂芯造型时埋入钢/铁质梁式结构充当芯骨有利于提高砂芯的强度和刚性。公开号为CN105945231A,名为“蜗壳类铸件砂芯用防漂芯抗弯芯骨”的专利技术专利申请说明书中,通过增加芯骨尺寸和芯骨辐条密度的方法增加砂芯强度。此方案可以在一定程度上提高砂芯的刚度,但实际效果比较有限,原因在于蜗壳的 ...