The invention discloses a kind of nanoscale health beverage of the mushroom fungus of wild vegetable, which belongs to the technical field of the production of the new health drink preparation. By the wild herbs by bracken, chinensis, Ma Lan, coriander, Qingming dishes, the wild fruit, Cili fruit, pomegranate, wild hawthorn, wild carrot, Rosa fruit, seabuckthorn fruit, mushrooms, mushroom, mushroom, letinous edodes, Hericium, Coprinus comatus, Pleurotus them in one or several kinds of sweeteners and flavoring agent, emulsion stabilizer and preservatives, the modern nano nano technology made of crushed milk beverage containing natural wild vegetable and fruit all the nutrients, the absorption effect is fast and strong, nano small molecular substances and the full complement of efficacy nutrient vitamin action necessary to the human body, to detoxify, bactericidal anti-inflammatory sparse, popular gas, wet digestion, appetite, blood circulation, anti hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and other elements, vitamin It can prevent and cure diseases, prevent cancer and cancer, and has a variety of health care efficacy of nano milk beverage.
:本专利技术的目的在于提供一种野菜果菇菌类纳米乳保健饮料。1、一种野菜果菇菌类纳米乳保健饮料,其特征是:所述蕺菜苦菜马兰香菜清明菜刺梨果,按下列质量配比组成%野菜纳米乳蕺菜、苦菜、马兰、香菜、清明菜一种或数种混合物10—30;柠檬酸0.1—0.3;复合果胶酶0.02—0.06;六偏磷酸钠0.02—0.06;山梨酸钾0.02—0.06;富硒灵芝纳米乳3—9;纯化水加至100;制备方法:将天然的蕺菜即鱼腥草,苦菜、马兰、清明菜、刺梨果、石榴、野山楂、胡萝卜、金樱子果、沙棘果等野菜果原料的选择新鲜无杂质病虫害 ...
一种野菜果菇菌类纳米乳保健饮料,其特征是:所述蕺菜苦菜马兰香菜清明菜刺梨果,按下列质量配比组成%野菜纳米乳(蕺菜、苦菜、马兰、香菜、清明菜)一种或数种混合物 10—30;野果纳米乳(刺梨果、石榴、野山楂、胡萝卜、金樱子果、沙棘果)一种或数种混合物 10—30;甜菊苷(木糖醇、白砂糖、蛋白糖、甜宝、甜蜜素)一种或数种混合物 2—6;柠檬酸 0.1—0.3;复合果胶酶 0.02—0.06;六偏磷酸钠 0.02—0.06;山梨酸钾 0.02—0.06;富硒灵芝纳米乳 ...