The structure of the front mountain of the electric guzheng. An electric musical instrument, especially the former mountain structure of the electric guzheng. The utility model provides a pre Yuehan structure with reasonable force, which satisfies the requirements of the first player's \dazzling skills\, improves the musical effect of Guzheng playing, and makes the sound of zither more perfect. The front is provided with a sound beam and Yue Shan Zheng Zheng electric arc is matched with the shape of the body, is provided with an electric pickup device on the sound beam, the pickup device includes a pickup and the horse bone, the top beam is provided with a sound pickup groove, the bottom pick up sound bar in the pick-up groove; the horse bone is curved, the horse bone concave bottom pressure in the top pick up sound bar, a plurality of electric zither strings pressure is arranged on the top surface of the horse bone arch. The top and bottom of the cross section of the horse bone are all arc shaped, and the upper width is narrow. The utility model has the characteristics of stable working performance, more perfect playing effect and so on.
古筝是一种具有优美音色和丰富表现力的繁弦弹拨乐器,外观呈扁长形,由框板、面板和底板构成。古筝主要包括激励系统、振动系统和传导系统,激励系统是弦乐器振动的能力来源,对于古筝而言,就是波动琴弦的“义甲”。古筝的振动系统即琴弦,是引发古筝声响的核心部件。然而,光靠琴弦振动带动周围空气介质的振动而发出声响是远远不能满足古筝演奏需求的。这就要求古筝的传导系统—马骨,马骨的形状不仅决定古筝的响度,而且也决定了古筝圆润的音色。俗话说:“好马配好鞍”,好的琴弦如何“坐落”在适合的马骨,是至关重要的,如果配合不理想会严重影响古筝的音质和音色。古筝琴弦共有21个外径规格。即,21个不同直径的规格应该有21个集音区。现有技术中,具有代表性的专利,如国家局于2011年9月5日公布的一份名为“一种浮动式电古筝拾音装置”,申请号为“201120332396.1”的中国技术专利。包括:起支撑作用的琴枕木、将振动转为电信号的传感器、传递琴弦振动以及保护传感器作用的竹条;琴枕木具有凹槽,凹槽内嵌有传感器、传感器上放置竹条,琴弦将竹条、传感器压入琴枕木中的凹槽,该竹条与琴枕木的装配方式为活动配合;该竹条与传感器的装配方式为活动配合,即竹条浮于传感器和琴枕木之上,竹条为一至若干段。练习使用中,竹条与传感器的接触面积变动率大,拾音不稳,易造成信号失真,严重影响古筝的音质和音色;由于马骨结构的不合理,筝弦发出的震动频率不能完整、清晰的传递,即拾音棒拾音不完整,易出现混音、杂音、失真等情况;尤其是初次使用电古筝的表演者, ...