The car body door with sealing and locking, including two installed in the rear door of the carriage chute two side, the design thickness in the chute is obviously lower than the height of the sliding chute. In the design of sliding door and sliding door width of the same length of the rod, welding in the center brace for U type pin bracket is connected with the oil cylinder, with the axis of the hinge rod will be welding position in the sliding door, sliding door connection type U pin bracket and cylinder rod. When the cylinder down, the U pin rod bracket to drive the oblique compression chute, chute due to limited distance outward sliding door activities, forcing car body tightly to the door. When the oil cylinder moves upwards, the U type pin support drives the pole to reset, the oil cylinder continues to rise, and the door is opened. The design ensures the sealing between the door and the car body.
针对上述车厢门无法锁紧密封的问题,本技术提供一种用撑杆的形式将门的周围同时压紧,达到门与厢体密封的目的。本技术解决其技术问题所采用的技术方案是:制作一扇门,尺寸略大于厢体上的门洞,取两根扁铁,长度与门宽相同,用轴铰链分别焊接在扁铁的窄面位置,轴铰链的另一头焊接在门的上下位置,能使扁铁向外翻转。在扁铁的中心位置,分别焊接一只∪型销子支架,用一根连杆将二只∪型销子支架相连。在厢体门洞两侧,取二根大于门高的三角铁,三角铁的一边靠着门的侧面,三角铁的另一边贴紧门上扁铁的面上,将三角铁焊接在厢体上,能使门上下移动,但不能向外活动。在三角铁的底部用铁片封堵,作为门的下止点,也作为液压缸向下挤压时的支点作用。液压缸的一端与连杆相连,液压缸的另一端用∪型销子支架焊接在厢体上。当液压缸向下运动时,门下落关闭厢体门洞至三角铁的下止点,此时液压缸继续向下运动,∪型销子支架压迫扁铁向外压迫,由于扁铁受滑槽向外距离的限制,门就向厢体内挤压,达到了门与厢体密封锁紧的目的。当油缸向上运动时,∪型销子支架向上拉动扁铁脱开三角铁,门随油缸向上活动,将厢体门打开。本技术产生的有益效果是:可以作为开关厢体门功能的同时,能从门的四 ...