The utility model discloses a cleaning production device for a gas station storage tank, which comprises a tank wall, an outer film, a channel layer, an inner layer film and an oil capsule. In addition to the vacuuming channel and the vacuum channel on the inner film or outer film, the inner film and the outer film form a closed space. A flexible double layer tank consisting of an outer film, a channel layer and an inner film is fixed on the tank wall. Through the vacuum leak detection of the flexible double layer tank, the anti seepage I level can be reached, and the leakage of the tank of the gas station can be effectively prevented. With double oil sac in flexible tank, oil sac partially fixed in the tank body, oil bag sealed storage oil, so that the respiration occurred in the film to avoid direct foreign oil and air breathing, eliminate breathing loss, protect the environment; reduce oil oxidation, avoid water mixed with oil, to ensure the quality of the oil; eliminate mixed oil steam with air in order to improve the safety of storage and transportation, reduce the risk of fire and explosion.
目前,油品在转运、储存和使用中包括管道输送、铁路油罐车和汽车油罐车运输、油轮运输、油库储罐储存、加油站储存、设备油箱储存等环节。油库储罐储存因采用浮顶技术减少了90%以上的呼吸损耗,但在其余几个环节中均存在大小呼吸作用,导致油品蒸发损耗、品质下降和环境污染,存在火灾和爆炸安全隐患。下面以汽油为例进行阐述。根据中国石油化工集团公司安全环保局《成品油销售业汽油油气排放控制标准》编制说明,汽油在铁路油罐车和汽车油罐车运输、油库储罐储存、加油站储存等环节损耗约为1%,我国每年消耗汽油9000万吨以上,损耗超过90万吨,汽油价格约7000元/吨,损失超过63亿元。这还不包括设备(汽车)油箱的损耗。油蒸汽污染环境,加油站多在城市周边,1份油蒸汽可污染2000倍体积的空气,9000万吨汽油在运输销售过程中一般至少会形成5倍汽油体积的油蒸汽,体积约为4.5亿方,污染空气就达到9000亿方。油蒸汽在紫外线照射下会与空气中其它有害气体发生光化学反应,形成毒性更大的二次污染物,加剧对人的危害并破坏臭氧层。油蒸汽又增加了发生火灾和爆炸的危险性。火灾和爆炸事故对生态环境具有更大的破坏性。除汽油外挥发性较高的油品,还有溶剂油、石脑油、航空煤油、轻柴油和原油等,因此每年的蒸发损耗将更多,对环境污染更大。空气中的水蒸汽呼吸进入储罐,温度降低后在储罐内形成凝结水,影响油品的品质。而加油站埋地油罐采用的单层罐,单层罐受腐蚀产生针孔型渗漏点,其渗漏缓慢而不易察觉,导致污染持久而严 ...