A wedge type adjustable intervertebral fusion device, relates to spinal fusion surgery intervertebral fusion device. Is provided with a kidney shaped supporting platform and the sliding support block; the surface subreniform support platform with dentations, on the kidney shaped support platform is arranged between the bone hole, hole for bone graft bone fusion, subreniform, on the front platform and left behind the limit structure and slope on the right side of the kidney shaped supporting platform is provided with a bell, the bell of the slope stability for subreniform support platform, on the opposite kidney shaped support platform are respectively arranged on the upper and lower sliding sliding support block through the sliding slot wedge on subreniform support platform; the upper and lower ends of the slide block is provided with convex support T, the T and the convex sliding slot is arranged on the matched; kidney shaped bone hole and arranged on the sliding support block of the bone graft in the middle of the supporting platform through Kong Xiang.
在脊柱外科中经椎间孔椎体间融合(Transforaminallumbarinterbodyfusion)技术(TLIF)相对于经前路椎体间融合(Anteriorlumbarinterbodyfusion)技术(ALIF)和经后路椎体间融合(Posteriorlumbarinterbodyfusion)技术(PLIF)是一种较新的脊柱融合技术。TLIF技术具有创伤小、融合率高和符合脊柱生物力学的特点,在脊柱融合领域逐渐占主导地位(ChristopherP,Ames,FrankL,etal.Biomechanicalcomparisionofposteriorlumbarinterbodyfusionandtransforaminallumbarinterbodyfusionperformedat1and2levels[J].Spine,2005,19:562-566)(AnnetteKettler,WernerSchmoelz,ErichKast.Invitrostabilizingeffectofatransforaminalcomparedwithtwoposteriorlumbarinterbodyfusioncages[J].Spine,2005,22:665-670)。它是通过后路实行彻底的单侧关节突关节切除术,而不去显露神经根以及硬膜等椎管内结构。由此可降低了包括神经并发症在内的多种并发症的风险。TLIF可以提供前柱的 ...