The utility model discloses a liquid ammonia oleophobic and hydrophobic filter, which comprises a cylindrical inner support frame, a supporting frame and a cylindrical outer cover support frame is sheathed on the cylindrical inner support frame and the cylinder, the cylinder shaped inner support frame and a cylindrical composite filter structure layer is arranged between the outer support frame the composite structure, filtering layer from outside to inside includes distributed diversion layer, the first layer of pre filter and second layer super hydrophobic microporous membrane, third layers of hydrophobic membrane and are uniformly distributed in the diversion layer, the two ends of the support frame is arranged on the end cover of cylindrical inner supporting frame and a cylindrical outer end. The cover is provided with a liquid outlet. The utility model belongs to the technical field of liquid filtration device, specifically provides a liquid ammonia hydrophobic oil drainage filter core capable of removing oil, moisture and mechanical particle impurities in liquid ammonia, which has three functions of filtering mechanical particle impurities, super high efficiency oil drain and hydrophobic.
液氨,又称为无水氨,是一种无色液体,有强烈刺激性气味,液氨国家标准《GB536-86》中质量指标分为三个等级,分别是优级品:(氨含量不小于99.90%,重量法残留物含量0.10%,水分不大于0.1%,油含量不大于5mg/kg,铁含量不大于1mg/kg),一级品:(99.80%,重量法残留物含量0.20%),合格品:(99.60%,重量法残留物含量0.40%)。氨作为一种重要的化工原料,应用广泛,在化学工业中,主要用于制造尿素、氯化铵、硝酸铵、硝酸、丙烯腈、冷冻剂等;在染料工业用于制造二氨基蒽醌系还原染料、分散染料、酸性染料等;在塑料工业用于制造尼龙1010、氨基塑料;在医药工业用于制造安乃近、氨基比林,在国防工业中,用于制造火箭、导弹的推进剂,将氨进行分解,分解成氢氮混合气体,这种混合气体是一种良好的保护气体,可广泛地应用于半导体工业、冶金工业以及需要保护气氛的其它工业和科学研究中,由于液氨在合成生产、成品储存、运输过程环节,会残留有油、水分、铁等其他杂质,水分会与铁屑作用生成铁皂,铁皂与液氨中的尘粒、胶质等污染物混合而生成油泥,水分还会吸收液氨中的含硫氧化物和低分子有机酸,加剧对金属的腐蚀,聚积在系统管道及各种仪表内壁上形成粘稠状混合物,造成系统堵塞,严重影响设备的正常运行。目前公开的滤芯主要分为:空气滤芯、PP滤芯、线绕滤芯、折叠式滤芯、活性炭滤芯、双节滤芯、陶瓷滤芯、树脂滤芯、钛棒滤芯、RO逆渗透滤芯、不锈钢滤芯、波纹状滤芯,主要应用在:医药行业对各种抗菌 ...