The invention discloses a method for planting Chinese cabbage, metalaxyl wettable powder of Chinese cabbage seed dressing, seed soaking with warm water, cool and dry sowing, spraying water, cultivation of cabbage seedlings; Chinese cabbage seed cover film hole, finally in the film covered with a layer of straw into the soil; then sprinkle water, farmyard fertilizer, applying potassium sulfate compound fertilizer on both sides of the ridge and furrow, Chinese Cabbage Seed Germination Seedling per mu, application of chemical fertilizer; Chinese cabbage seedlings were transplanted to the field, thrown into the pond, fertile seedling root organic fertilizer, when the seedlings of 15 20 cm, 3 times a week for 2 pouring water with the sweet potato seedling, soaked or straw will make the heart leaves tied, firmer and continue growth. Chinese cabbage seeds prior disinfection dressing, is conducive to the germination rate, water soaking, sprouting, cultivation of cabbage seedlings, the film covered with a layer of straw, sprinkle water to the earth, and the film opening, sprouting fast, applying potassium sulfate compound fertilizer on both sides of the ridge and furrow, Chinese cabbage seed germination and seedling grow and Chinese cabbage seedlings were transplanted to the field, sprinkle FWFPM fertile roots of seedlings, nutrient rich, conducive to the emergence of.
本专利技术要解决的技术问题是提供一种大白菜的种植方法,产量高,虫害小。为解决上述技术问题,本专利技术的大白菜的种植方法,包括以下步骤:a、质量浓度25%甲霜灵可湿粉剂拌种大白菜籽,用40-50℃温水浸种20-25分钟,冷却晾干播种,喷洒水,培育白菜苗;b、大白菜籽上方覆盖薄膜,薄膜上开有多个气孔,最后在薄膜上铺上一层秸秆;c、然后往泥土上撒水,隔2-3天接着浇水,施用农家肥,每亩施硫酸钾复合肥15-20千克,于垄两侧开沟施入,大白菜籽发芽长成苗,每亩施用施用化学肥料;d、将白菜苗移植到大田里,撒入塘泥,肥沃苗根施用有机肥,当苗长至15-20厘米,一周浇2-3次水,用浸透的甘薯秧或谷草将叶捆住,使包心更紧实并继续生长。化学肥料为尿素25-30千克,过磷酸钙10-15千克。当苗长至15-20厘米,每周一次杀虫剂。本专利技术的有益效果:大白菜籽事先消毒拌种,有利于出芽率,温水浸种,出芽快,培育白菜苗时,薄膜上铺上一层秸秆,往泥土上撒水,并且将薄膜开洞,出芽快,施硫酸钾复合肥,于垄两侧开沟施入,大白菜籽发芽长成苗,白菜苗移植到大田里,撒入塘泥肥沃苗根,营养丰富,利于出苗,用浸透的甘薯秧或谷草将叶捆住,使包心更紧实并继续生长。具体实施方式为了加 ...
大白菜的种植方法,其特征在于,包括以下步骤:a、质量浓度25%甲霜灵可湿粉剂拌种大白菜籽,用40‑50 ℃温水浸种20‑25分钟,冷却晾干播种,喷洒水,培育白菜苗;b、大白菜籽上方覆盖薄膜,薄膜上开有多个气孔,最后在薄膜上铺上一层秸秆;c、然后往泥土上撒水,隔2-3天接着浇水,施用农家肥,每亩施硫酸钾复合肥15-20千克,于垄两侧开沟施入,大白菜籽发芽长成苗,每亩施用施用化学肥料;d、将白菜苗移植到大田里,撒入塘泥,肥沃苗根施用有机肥,当苗长至15‑20厘米,一周浇2‑3次水,用浸透的甘薯秧或谷草将叶捆住,使包心更紧实并继续生长。