The utility model provides a bottle container preform injection mold, including the external mold and the internal mold, mold nested inside an external mold; also includes the installation substrate and feeding device; external mold comprises the preform die and preform mould and bottle bottom mold, the bottle mouth mold, bottle the embryo body mold and the bottle bottom mold is connected in series; preform die from left and right die bottle preform die spliced; installation matrix from left mounting screw spring connecting the base and right installation and installation of the matrix, the matrix is provided with a conical hole; the left and left installation matrix preform die the connection matrix and the right, right to install preform die connection; feeding device is arranged in the bottle bottom mold bottom end of the feeding device is provided with a L shaped inlet channel; bottle bottom die is provided with a L shaped feed feed channel is connected to the mouth. The utility model has the following advantages: reducing the thickness and the obvious degree of the dividing line of the bottle barrel, reducing the occupied area of the equipment, improving the production efficiency and reducing the cost of the bottle barrel production enterprise.
模具的机构虽然由于塑料品种和性能、塑料制品的形状和结构等不同而可能千变万化,但是基本结构是一致的。模具主要由浇注系统、调温系统、成型零件和结构零件组成。其中浇注系统和成型零件是与塑料直接接触的部分,并随塑料和制品而变化,是塑模中最复杂,变化最大,要求加工光洁度和精度最高的部分。浇注系统是指塑料从射嘴进入型腔前的流通通道部分,包括主流道、冷料穴、分流道和浇口等。注塑模具是一种生产塑胶制品的工具,也是赋予塑胶制品完整结构和精确尺寸的工具。注塑成型是批量生产某些形状复杂部件时用到的一种加工方法,具体指将受热融化的材料由高压射入模腔,经冷却固化后,得到成型品。注塑模具依成型特性区分为热固性塑胶模具、热塑性塑胶模具两种;依成型工艺区分为传塑模、吹塑模、铸塑模、热成型模、热压模、注射模等。现有技术中针对桶装水用水桶,以下简称水桶,是通过模内吹气工艺生产的。其大致的生产过程如下:从出料口挤出熔融状态的料管,料管自上向下生长,然后左模和右模合模,左模和右模合模后其内部是预定形状的内腔,左模和右模将料管夹在中间,此后处在出料口中央的吹针向料管内吹气,让料管膨胀并最终贴合模具的内腔,左模和右模是带有液冷通道的模具,料管贴合左模和右模后将被冷却而定形。此后左模和右模分离,可取下水桶半成品。通过现有技术生产出来的水桶,在其桶肩部会形成有明显且较厚的分界线,严重影响水桶成品的外观和使用效果。另一方面,因常规桶装水用水桶的高度较高,约500mm左右,导致生产该种水桶的设备占地面积较大,使用成本较 ...