The utility model discloses a paint mixing device, which comprises a machine body, is arranged in the body of the base, located just above the base plate, the plate on the face evenly arranged by a plurality of spring connected with the upper platen, a plurality of rotatable screw evenly on the base plate on the vertical, longitudinal edge set screw and screw number, and the upper part of every rod are matched with the through hole of a position relative to the connection plate and the base; the paint bucket is arranged between the plate and the base is arranged inside the base, the motor and the screw rod and the number of the lower end of the output shaft of each motor the drive is connected with a relative to the position of the screw rod. The technical proposal of a compression spring in compression when the paint bucket can effectively play the role of elastic buffer, the compression plate on the bucket cover is not too tight or too loose, to avoid shaking when the lid is open or from the side of the bucket, and the structure is stable and reliable, easy to implement.
人们在装修房屋、制作家具或其他产品时会使用到油漆,根据不同的需求或者个人喜好,使用者会选择不同颜色的油漆。由于一般厂家所出售的油漆颜色种类有限,难以满足人们的需求,于是人们就根据自己的需要,将不同颜色的油漆按照一定比例混合,从而形成一种新的颜色的油漆。这里我们把用于调配的油漆称为基本色油漆。传统的油漆混合都是通过人工自行配合,操作者一般根据自己的经验或者不同实验,得到自己想要的颜色。但是,很明显,这种方式存在很大的不足:颜色调配过程麻烦;第二次调配油漆的颜色很可能与第一次调配的颜色存在误差。为了解决上面的问题,有制造商设计出自动油漆颜色调配设备,该设备中存储了许多通过电脑计算出的颜色,并记录了每种颜色油漆所需要的不同基本色油漆的用量。使用者只需要选择自己喜欢的颜色,输入电脑后,该设备自动将各种不同的基本色油漆配合好。这种设备在很大程度上解决了人们长久以来的难题,给人们带来很大的便利。但是,使用上述设备时必须面临的一个问题就是,如何将调配好的油漆混合均匀。因为,如果不将其混合均匀,油漆很难得到标准的颜色。但是由于油漆是具有一定黏度的稠液,很难将其混合均匀。为此,生产厂家提供了一种油漆混合设备。常见的尤其混合设备一般都是在机体内设置上压板和底板,然后通过丝杆和电机的作用下夹紧油漆桶,再由设置在机体内的驱动装置带动包括上压板、底板、油漆桶在内的整体剧烈混动以实现油漆均匀混合的效果,但上压板和底板共同夹紧油漆桶的结构,当夹得较松时,在剧烈晃动时油漆桶的盖子易于脱出使得油漆漏出而 ...