The utility model discloses an electric shock proof structure of a fire hose, including water body, the water body from the outside are successively arranged in the outer layer, conductive metal braided layer and the inner layer, the outer layer of flax weaving layer, the inner layer is polyurethane composite aquifer, the water body front and rear end are respectively sheathed fixed with the front end metal quick connector and quick connector at the back of the metal, the front end of the metal connector and quick quick connector at the back of the metal surface and the annular groove are respectively provided with a conductive metal woven layer contact card installed, the front end of the metal connector with a quick clamping nozzle joint, the nozzle joint is arranged on the rear end of the metal metal nozzle. Fast joint and fire water column fire pipe connector with card installed, fire tube joint by grounding and grounding connection. The utility model has the advantages of reasonable structure layout, convenient installation and layout, greatly saving the time for fire extinguishing preparation, ensuring the effectiveness of fire fighting and the safety of firefighters.
我国每年火灾发生率逐年增高,尤其到了冬季,由于天气温度较低,为取暖大量使用电器产品造成线路超负荷或是麻痹大意忘记及时关闭电器开关而引起火灾的情况非常普遍。由于电器原因引发的火灾,占全部火灾的40%左右,并有上升的趋势,故电器火灾不容忽视,相对于其他类型的火灾,电气火灾具有其自身的特殊性和危险性,特别是扑救带电设备火灾时,如处置不当存在极大的触电隐患。水是火的‘克星’在人们的常规思想中,一旦遭遇火灾便习惯地取水进行扑救,殊不知有些物质和设备发生火灾后是不能用水扑救的。如果盲目取水扑救会‘适得其反’最终水反而会成为火灾的‘助燃剂’或‘导电体’,危及参与火灾扑救人员的生命安全。火灾发生时,因火灾发生初期室内电源还没跳闸,大火烧坏电线绝缘皮导至漏电,以及一些电气设备的外壳和机座都是接地的,正常时,这些设备的外壳和机座都不带电。但当设备发生绝缘击穿、接地功能破坏,设备与大地之间会产生电位差,用水带电灭火时,带电体与喷射的水柱、水枪、人体和地面会形成一个电流回路,这个回路中所通过的电流大小对人体的安全有直接影响。所以,在灭火战斗中、在设备带电的情况下,我们一般要先切断电源,再进行扑救。但是,因生产或其他原因无法切断电源时,就需要带电灭火。然而,传统利用水带进行带电灭火时,一般是在水带前端安装的金属水枪喷嘴上安装接地线,接地线另一端与接地棒连接,并将接地棒钉入地下0.5米左右,并在接地棒处倒入盐水。接地线的安装具有非常苛刻的实施条件和技术规范,操作使用麻烦,严重延长了灭火救援的宝 ...