The utility model discloses a disassembled acupoint clicking device. The purpose of the utility model is to provide a disassembled point click device. A point click detachable device, which comprises a sleeve, and click on the permanent magnet needle, which is characterized in that the outer surface of A, the sleeve with antiskid stripes, one end of the sleeve with internal thread, the other end is a circular arc; B, the permanent magnet cylindrical irregular, its one end is inserted into the sleeve the other end, and click on the needle clamp; C, click the needle end is provided with an external thread, the other end is needle, click the needle through the external and internal threads, and the sleeve is screwed. The click needle is a stainless steel clicking needle. The permanent magnet is cylindrical irregular permanent magnet. The utility model is mainly used to click and massage the acupoints related to the eyes of young children and other parts of the body with the eyes of the eyes so as to eliminate eye fatigue.
本技术的目的在于提供一种可拆卸的穴位点击装置,以解决上述存在的问题。为实现上述目的,本技术的技术解决方案是:一种可拆卸的穴位点击装置,包括套筒、永磁棒和点击针,其特征在于A、所述套筒1的外表面刻有防滑条纹2,该套筒的一端有内螺纹3,另一端呈圆弧状;B、所述永磁棒4呈不规则的圆柱形,其一端插入套筒1内,另一端与点击针5卡接;C、所述点击针5一端设有外螺纹6,另一端呈针状,点击针5通过外螺纹6和内螺纹3与套筒1螺接。所述点击针5为不锈钢点击针。所述永磁棒4是不规则的圆柱形永磁棒。本技术的有益效果是:1、通过点击针点击、按摩眼睛周围的睛明穴、鱼腰穴、丝竹空穴、太阳穴、瞳子髎穴、承泣穴、四白穴和身体与眼睛视力有关的穴位以改善或消除眼睛疲劳,降低了青少年近视眼的发生率,也就减少了青少年配戴眼镜的几率,节省了成本,解决了美观和携带不方便的问题。2、点击针采用不锈钢制作不易生锈,对眼睛周围的皮肤不会造成损伤,并且针和针座是一个整体,抗摔、不会变形。3、利用永磁棒产生的磁场磁疗效应,有利于消除眼睛的疲劳。4、永磁棒的形状采用不规则的圆柱形,使插入点击针的永磁棒不会转动,二者连接牢固。5、套筒表面的防滑条纹有利于手握套筒进行眼部点击、按摩时不会滑动。附图说明图1是本技术的结构示意图。图2是图 ...