The utility model discloses a laparoscopic auxiliary device with exhaust function, which comprises a laparoscope stamp card and an exhaust device connected with the laparoscope stamp card. The exhaust device comprises a filter bottle and a branch pipe and filtering liquid connected with the filter bottle. The other end of the branch pipe is connected with a laparoscope stamp card through a joint, and a control switch is also provided on the branch pipe. Due to the laparoscopic poke card through the three pass joint is connected with a branch pipe, using laparoscopic assisted exhaust device provided by the utility model, can be used to produce energy equipment in laparoscopic surgery of carbon dioxide, harmful gas and smoke can be exhausted to the branch filter bottle, harmful gas and smoke through the filtered liquid after filtration as a harmless gas. This not only facilitates the operation of the laparoscopic operation, ensures the safety of the operation, but also eliminates the exhaust gas. It is beneficial to the health of the patients and the surgeons. It has the characteristics of simple structure, easy to use and so on.
腹腔镜手术是现代高科技医疗技术,腹腔镜是用于腹腔内检查和治疗的内窥镜,在完全无痛情况下应用于外科患者,可直接清楚地观察患者腹腔内情况,了解致病因素,同时对异常情况做手术治疗。腹腔镜手术又被称为“锁孔”手术。运用腹腔镜系统技术,医生只需在患者实施手术部位的四周开几个“钥匙孔”式的小孔,无需开腹即可在电脑屏幕前直观患者体内情况,施行精确手术操作,手术过程仅需很短的时间,治疗技术达到国际先进水平。采用腹腔镜手术具有以下优势:1、腹腔镜手术是新微创技术:腹腔镜手术是一门新发展起来的微创方法,是未来手术方法发展的一个必然趋势。腹腔镜手术是真正微创手术的代表,创伤大为减小,手术过程和术后恢复快,痛苦少。2、腹腔镜手术对患者的损伤小:腹腔镜手术对腹腔内脏器扰乱小,避免了空气和空气中尘埃细菌对腹腔的刺激和污染。术中以电切电凝操作为主,对血管先凝后断,止血彻底,出血极少,手术结束前冲洗彻底,保持腹腔清洁。因而术后肠功能恢复快,可较早进食,又大大减少了术后肠粘连的因素。3、腹腔镜手术避免了手术后伤疤:腹壁戳孔取代了腹壁切口,避免了腹壁肌肉、血管和相应神经的损伤,术后不会出现腹壁薄弱和腹壁切口疝,不会因为腹壁肌肉瘢痕化影响运动功能,不会因为腹壁神经切断引起相应皮肤麻木。微创手术是现代医学手术发展的趋势,腹腔镜手术又是微创手术的代表。而在腹腔镜手术过程中,在体内会产生大量二氧化碳气体、有害气体及烟雾,如不及时排出,会出现腹腔镜上结雾现象,挡住物镜,导致视野模糊 ...