
技术编号:16934414 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 04:46

A polarizer and light signal processing method

A polarization rotator and an optical signal processing method are disclosed, which relate to the field of photoelectron products. It can achieve high conversion efficiency and guarantee smaller volume of polarization rotator in the process of converting the polarization state of optical signal. The first transceiver waveguide includes a first end and a second end; polarization rotation zone waveguide includes first and second waveguides, the first waveguide located second waveguide on the first waveguide and the first transceiver waveguide is connected to the second end, the first and second waveguides for nonlinear waveguide mode conversion region contour; waveguide includes third and fourth waveguides, third waveguide connection the fourth and the second waveguide, waveguide and the third waveguide and the second waveguide at the same level, third and fourth waveguides for nonlinear waveguide profile; second waveguide transceiver includes third terminals and fourth terminals, second receiving waveguides connected to the third end and the fourth waveguide. It is used for conversion between the mode light signal of the transverse wave and the signal of the transverse magnetic wave mode.





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