
技术编号:16933987 阅读:38 留言:0更新日期:2018-01-03 04:18

Driving device, cloud platform, photographing equipment and aircraft and removable equipment

A driving device and a cloud platform (100), a shooting device (300), an aircraft and a removable device using the driving device. The head (100) includes a support member (34), (54) bearing member and bearing a driver (52), the support member (34) and the bearing member (54) are respectively connected to the drive bearing member (52), the bearing member (52) capable of driving the driver the bearing member (54) relative to the support member (34). The bearing driver (52) comprises a stator (523) and a rotor (525), and the stator (523) is arranged on the supporting part (34), and the rotor (525) is sleeved outside the stator (523) and connected with the carrying part (54). The camera is also equipped with the support member (34) in the transmission part (70), the bearing member (54) is arranged on the electrical components, the transmission part (70) from the support member (34) extends inside and around the rotor (525) is arranged on the peripheral. And extends to the bearing member (54) on the electrical and electrical components.





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