A fuel inlet assembly for a motor vehicle is disclosed. The fuel inlet assembly has a slender tubular cylindrical shell opened at each end, and a flow path is defined between the ends of the shell. The baffle valve is associated with the fluid flow channel and can be moved between the open position and the closed position. At least two latch adjacent fluid channels are pivotally mounted to the shell and can be moved between the latch position and the release position. Latch the joint baffle valve to prevent the baffle valve from moving to its open position. The flexible uplift is attached to each latch, so that the raised member and its associated latch are pivoted, and each protrusion is protruded from its latch up to the inside. Each uplift has a convex wheel surface, the convex wheel surface, when joined by the fuel nozzle, makes the uplift and its associated latch armature to the release position. However, when the latch is in its release position, the latch can be contracted in radial outward direction toward the latch which is associated with it, so that the fuel nozzle can go through the contraction uplift and engage with the baffle valve. As a result, only the fuel nozzle with a predetermined size range is able to engage with the uplift, and the latch pin is pivoted to the open position, and the fuel nozzle is allowed to go through the uplift and extend through the fluid passage.
所有机动车辆都包括燃料填充系统,以允许车辆的燃料箱被补充燃料。通常,燃料填充系统包括漏斗,该漏斗的尺寸被设定为接收常规燃料填充喷嘴。漏斗进而连接到车辆的燃料箱。这些燃料填充系统中的多种还包括被嵌入到漏斗内或者作为漏斗的一部分而形成的孔口,该孔口的尺寸被设定为接收燃料填充喷嘴的颈部。弹簧加压的挡板阀也通常被安装到漏斗,并且在打开位置和关闭位置之间可移动,并且由弹簧朝其关闭位置推动。当燃料填充喷嘴插入孔口时,燃料填充喷嘴与挡板阀接触并且使挡板阀移动至打开位置以实现对车辆填充燃料。机动车辆的常规燃料填充系统的一个缺点是关闭漏斗流道(port)的挡板阀在打开位置与关闭位置之间是可自由移动的。此外,根据燃料种类,燃料喷嘴具有标准的直径。例如,用于无铅汽油的燃料喷嘴具有第一直径,而用于柴油燃料的燃料喷嘴具有较大的第二直径。燃料漏斗装配件中的燃料流道针对发动机使用的燃料种类而被设定尺寸。因此,由于用于柴油燃料的燃料喷嘴比用于无铅汽油的燃料喷嘴具有更大的直径,所以用于柴油燃料的燃料喷嘴不能被插入使用无铅汽油的车辆的燃料漏斗装配件内。不幸的是,反过来是不能现实的。相反,由于用于无铅汽油的燃料喷嘴的直径小于用于柴油燃料的燃料喷嘴的直径,并且也由于燃料挡板阀通常被可自由枢转地安装到燃料漏斗装配件,所以可能意外地对具有柴油发动机的车辆的燃料箱填充无铅汽油。这进而造成不是对发 ...
【国外来华专利技术】2015.01.30 US 62/109,8101.一种燃料入口装配件,其包括:在每个端部开放的细长管状柱形壳体,所述壳体在所述壳体的所述端部之间限定流体流道,挡板阀,其与所述流体流道相关联,所述挡板阀在打开位置与关闭位置之间可移动并且朝向其关闭位置被弹性地推动,环形间隔开的至少两个刚性闩锁,所述闩锁邻近所述流体流道被枢转地安装到所述壳体并且围绕垂直于所述壳体的轴线的轴线在闩锁位置与释放位置之间枢转,当至少一个所述闩锁处于所述闩锁位置时,所述闩锁与所述挡板阀接合,以由此阻止所述挡板阀移动到所述打开位置。柔性隆起件,其被附连到每个闩锁,使得每个隆起件和与其相关联的闩锁枢转,并且每个所述隆起件从与其相关联的闩锁处径向向内突出,每个隆起件都具有凸轮式表面,所述凸轮式表面在被燃料喷嘴接合时使所述隆起件和与其相关联的闩锁枢转到所述释放位置,其中当所述闩锁处于所述释放位置时,所述每个隆起件在朝向与...