The utility model belongs to the technical field of agricultural machinery, in particular to a potato harvester for harvesting potatoes. Including a frame with wheel support beam, the top of the frame is provided with a gear box, which is characterized in that the frame is arranged on both sides of the support plate, the support plate is connected with the guide plate through bolts; the guide plate is connected with an elastic bolt, side tension bolt installed in the machine frame through the positioning plate; one side of the transmission the box pulley through the belt and the tractor power output connection; one end of the conveying roller close to the ground is provided with a conveying plate, conveying plate is provided with a buffer, and a front end plate is provided with a conveying device for mining; the digging device consists of the first and second round semi-circular shovel shovel, and digging device are arranged on both sides of the bar board. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure and low cost, and can effectively solve the problem of potato skin breaking and leakage digging, and meanwhile, it plays a certain role in separating potato vine and attached mulch.
马铃薯(学名:Solanumtuberosum,英文:potato),茄科茄属,一年生草本植物,别称地蛋、洋芋、土豆等。土豆的人工栽培地最早可追溯到大约公元前8000年到5000年的秘鲁南部地区。原产于南美洲安第斯山区的秘鲁和智利一带。安第斯山脉3800米之上的的的喀喀湖区可能是最早土豆被栽培出来的地方。在距今大约7000年前,一支印第安部落由东部迁徙到高寒的安第斯山脉,在的的喀喀湖区附近安营扎寨,以狩猎和采集为生,是他们最早发现并食用了野生的土豆。马铃薯的营养价值及药理作用;一、营养丰富,马铃薯中的蛋白质比大豆还好,最接近动物蛋白。马铃薯含丰富的赖氨酸和色氨酸,这是一般粮食所不可比的;马铃薯还是富含钾、锌、铁的食物;所含的钾可预防脑血管破裂,所含的蛋白质和维生素C,均为苹果的10倍,维生素B1、B2、铁和磷含量也比苹果高得多;二、利于减肥,马铃薯同大米相比,所产生的热量较低,并且只含有0.1%的脂肪。如果把它作为主食,每日坚持有一餐只吃马铃薯,对减去多余脂肪会很有效;三、防中风,每周平均吃上五至六个马铃薯,患中风的危险性可减少40%,而且没有任何副作用;四、和胃健脾,马铃薯有和胃、调中、健脾、益气的作用,对胃溃疡、习惯性便秘、热咳及皮肤湿疹也有治疗功效,马铃薯所含的纤维素细嫩,对胃肠黏膜无刺激作用,有解痛或减少胃酸分泌的作用。因此,我国大多数地方以大量种植马铃薯;但是由于其埋在土壤里边,难以收获,而现有用于收获马铃薯等作物的收获机有牵引式和悬挂式两种。这两种机 ...