The utility model relates to the field of machinery, in particular to lateral folding multistage expandable shelter. Contains the cabin roof, fixed section fixed plate, fixed period and fixed roof shelter section floor each contain extended plate beam expanding section of roof and floor respectively with soft hinge and expansion board fixed on the base frame of the fixed beam connection, top and bottom section of the extended segment extended free multi block rigid insulation board, between neighboring plate and connected with the soft hinge plate width consistent series together to form a chain structure, roof and floor section extended extended section are respectively connected with the lateral plate through the soft hinge, pulling the lateral plate can expand the extension and expansion of the bottom section of the roof. When the extension side plate is contracted, the lateral plate is fixed on the outer side of the front and back plates and unfolded independently. The patent is convenient in transportation and can be rapidly forming, expanded form with good sealing and thermal insulation and windproof and rainproof performance in a short period of time, the total volume stability, self sustained, habitability excellent can expand the extended shelter times.
本专利描述的设备属于机械工程领域内的可移动方舱类装置(E04B1),用于为应急作业场所提供一种可在短时间内完成展开、内部可供人员活动并可布置各种设备、有良好防护性能的可移动式构造物。采用简单便捷方式迅速扩大方舱的内部容积一直是国内外方舱的研发生产和使用部门倾注大量心血始终不懈努力追求的目标和方向。在此领域也已经出现了多种不同类型、构造和作业方式的产品,如抽屉式平移扩展方舱、翻板式扩展方舱等。但采用这些扩展机构的方舱尚难实现多级大扩展倍数的扩展效果。迄今尚未发现有与本项目准备开发的折叠式多级扩展方舱相同或类似的产品。技术形态接近的有多级抽屉式平移扩展方舱、多个翻板式扩展方舱对接组成的组合营房、多个侧开式方舱+帆布盖组成的软硬结合式组合房屋、独立大板现场拼接的现场制作房屋等。其中多级抽屉式平移扩展方舱每级的扩展段的宽、高向尺寸均要比前一级在四围上小一个壁厚+间隙+导向/驱动机构+加强结构的总合的量值,扩展段向外方向将逐渐减小,特别是地板和顶板均呈台阶式形状,极不利于设备的布置和人员的移动,而且扩展机构复杂,操作难度较大。多个翻板式扩展方舱对接组成的组合营房运输和贮存状态下均以多个方舱的形式存在,占用空间大,综合成本高,对接处密封难度大,效果难符人意。软硬结合式组合舱群外观和使用效果难以满足高使用环境的要求,也存在储存时占用空间较大的缺点。目前实际使用中扩展方舱的扩展能力均十分有限,扩展机构复杂,扩展过程繁琐,操作难度较大。特别是均无法在短时间内扩展出三倍以上的容积,更遑论更 ...