Vegetable and fruit sorting equipment, relates to the field of vegetable processing technology, including transportation equipment, which is characterized in that the conveying device comprises a transmission channel and a channel arranged in the sorting distance of the transmission channel and the distance below the transmission channels; the transmission channel comprises a plurality of transmission units, the transmission unit including the vegetables through the single fruit transmission belt, transmission belt arranged side on both sides of the transmission and connection on the transmission side on the receiving port; the transmission belt is provided with a through hole; the transmission unit is arranged on the sorter, the sorting device comprises a detector and removing device, the removal of the launch device comprises a rod can pass through the through hole, the pushing rod through an elastic connecting piece and the launch of the detector which is connected with the power source; outside the scope of the fruits and vegetables through the launch bar from The transmission band is transmitted to the sorting channel to realize sorting. The sorting institution realizes the selection of the vegetable weight parameters for the secondary products.
蔬菜是人们日常设生活所必需的主要食品之一,也是人们必需的维生素、矿物质、有机酸、食用纤维的主要来源,这些都是人体不可或缺的营养成分,它在人们的日常生活中起着重要的作用。蔬菜清洗与分拣是一个重要的加工环节,是为后序的深加工提供干净的菜源。现有技术中,分拣分为设备自动分拣与人工分拣两种,自动分拣投资成本高而且对于少部分的病毒侵染的菜叶片、烂叶无法尽除,会影响产品质量,人工分拣只要工作心细,产品要散得开,在光线充足下分拣,即可剔除不良品和杂质,摘除黄叶、烂叶、挑拣出腐烂、畸形的部分。目前净菜生产过程中均要采用人工进行分拣,收集的废菜叶使用可移动的垃圾桶进行收集,垃圾桶会占用工作人员的操作空间,如果不小心绊倒还会造成地面的污染,而且在清理出废料后在投掷的过程中,还经常会扔出桶外,得再次进行清理,增加人工负担,带有水渍的废料落于地面上,不小心踏到还会造成安全隐患。现在公开号为CN205020425U的公开文件中公开了一种蔬菜废料分拣装置,包括分拣台与废料收集槽,所述的分拣台进料端设置进料装置,进料装置连接清洗装置,出料端承接出料装置,所述的分拣台中间设置输送带,输送带两侧边的平台上设开口槽,槽内卡设废料收集槽,所述的分拣台上方设置照明灯,所述的分拣台台侧设置控制开关,所述的分拣台与出料装置间设置档板,所述的输送带底下设置承接槽及与排水口。通过在分拣台两侧的平台上设置废料收集槽,将物料进行选拣后,很方便的废料扔入槽内,在完成工作后可方便的将槽体取出,将废料倒出,废料收集槽也可采用 ...